
This is my 100th blog post!

July 2, 2012

This is my 100th blog post! 

That’s kind of cool.
I never really thought I would be doing something like this. Writing down my thoughts and stories and sharing them with friends, family and… strangers. 

I began writing with the intention that I would look back one day and be able to remember the memories, stories and favorite parts of life through my blogging. But it has evolved into a little more than that now. I really enjoy the actual writing process and getting everything that consumes my mind out of my head and into the computer. It’s almost freeing. 

And what has made this process even cooler is the response that I have been getting from my family, friends, and from the unknown. The comments and messages that some of you have so graciously sent me have made my day. No, more than that. They have made my week!  I also love hearing in person that my blog is being enjoyed. Insta-grin. It has just been so wonderful to hear that some of you enjoy my writings and have asked that I continue to post. 

So, thank you! Thank you so much for your support, love and kind words. It keeps me motivated and warms my heart. And plants a HUGE smile on my face. Every time.
Here’s to the next milestone… 200!

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