
Cabin 8- Meeting The Hubby’s Family and a Fourth of July Tradition

July 3, 2012

The fam and I are heading to “Cabin 8” again this year for the Fourth of July. Cabin 8 is the cabin my husband grew up going to every year since he was a child. This will be my seventh year going for the Fourth of July, and I love it every time.

Cabin 8 is where I actually met my husband’s family.

When The Hubby invited me to go to his family’s cabin to actually MEET his family, I was both excited and mortified.

What if they don’t like me? What if I don’t fit in? What if it totally sucks and I am stuck there for a WEEK!?

Nonetheless, I decided to go and hoped for the best.

So, I baked my famous chocolate chip cookies, put together a little Fourth of July gift basket and away we went. Not only was I meeting the parents on this trip, but I was meeting the brothers, their significant others, a grandma, an aunt and a cousin.

Holy Hell.

I began to sweat a little bit on the ferry ride over, and I think I had a trickle going down my forehead when we drove down the long dirt road up to the cabin. If The Hubby was talking to me, I didn’t hear a word of it as I was completely emersed in my surroundings, taking everything in. Scouting things out too, of course.

My nerves ceased, though, when I spotted a 5’3″-ish woman jumping up and down and clapping her hands together with the biggest grin on her face as we pulled in. That was The Hubby’s mom.

I was immediately embraced with a gigantic bear hug. A long, warm hug as if she’d known me for years. I am pretty sure she was still jumping up and down a little bit too.

I then met the rest of the crew and felt like I instantly fit in. Incredibly friendly, funny, and never a dull moment. Boat rides, skiing, wake-boarding, ice-cream cones, family games, the famous huckleberry cobbler, fishing, jumping off the dock, and so much more fun was all crammed into one week, and I LOVED it.

A few pictures through the years…

First cabin experience

Yes, that is our pup, Emma in there with us.
A few weeks before our wedding

Now The Hubby and I are able to take our own children to Cabin 8 and carry on the tradition, and that feels pretty dang cool.

Gwynnie’s second year at the cabin

So, there are no computers, cell phones, or any other form of communication at Cabin 8, strictly family-fun time, so please excuse my lag in posts. I hope you all have a fabulous Fourth of July with your family and friends as well!


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