
The Tall Girl. The Awkwardly Tall Girl.

July 16, 2012
When I was at my parents’ house for the entire month of June last month, I found myself looking through old photo albums and was reminded of just how awkwardly tall I was as a child. Below, I am sandwiched in-between my two best friends at my sixth or seventh birthday party.  
So tall, that I apparently had to shop in the women’s section for “special occasions” in the FIFTH GRADE, as I recently learned from my mom. This picture was taken before a recital. Could I BE anymore GRANDMA!?
Apparently I thought this looked good???
I was ALWAYS in the back row for school pictures. Every year. Only girl up there with the boys. I HATED it. I even tried slumping down when the photographer was choosing where people would stand.  Nope. Still in the back. 
OMG. I yelled at my mom when I saw this one. There are SO many things wrong with this picture! Fringe cowboy shirt, greased back hair, high waters, high TOPS, white socks, nasty jeans. Good God.

Mom claimed it was taken before a “cowboy” themed concert. And my reply was,  “But LOOK at those shoes!!! And those jeans!!!”

That was another nightmare. Finding jeans that were long enough.

This was taken before my first high school dance. I was taller than my date and tried everything I could to slouch down… inconspicuously. I mean, look at that perfectly normal stance. I also bought the flattest of flat shoes. Oh, and I rolled my ankle playing volleyball a few days before, so I was also limping. Cute.

OOo, did you notice those sexy pantyhose? You know, the ones you wore that you thought made your legs look naturally tanned and shiney? That no one could tell you were wearing?

MMM glad those are no longer worn. Right? Do people still wear those?

I am pretty sure Gwyn is going to be a tall one too, and I just hope that we can teach her to hold her head high and be proud of her height. Something I, as a child and teen, was embarrassed of. It wasn’t until later in high school that I finally appreciated being tall. Sure, times can be embarrassing and awkward as “the tall girl,” but being tall definitely has its benefits later in life and I am going to do my best to show her what those are.

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