
A Day Full of Birthday Fun!

May 10, 2012
What a fun day we all had for Gwyneth’s 2nd birthday. While her party is a little over a week away, we spent the day making it all about that sweet little girl.
We started with a homemade waffle breakfast made by Daddy…

And his little helper bug.

He has his waffle recipe DOWN and they are the crispiest, airiest waffled I have ever had.

Using Great Grandma M’s waffle iron might just be the secret weapon…

We then ventured over to gymnastics, which she absolutely LOVED!

One of Gwynnie’s best friends joined us for the day too!

Daddy showing Gwyn how it’s done.

So fast!

Wacky parents!

Oh see, I really was there! Mostly behind the scenes with Cal though. πŸ™‚


We then went and had lunch at a little restaurant that had a little play structure right outside.


And then we had dinner back at the house

And she ate next to her new Cabbage Patch doll that also happens to be her twin!

She then went outside where she discovered her new fort/slide.

Huge hit.

πŸ™‚ She insisted Daddy join her.

We ended the day with a birthday song.

Had to get some lessons on candle blowing..

And then she got her very own clown cone. Do you remember those? I used to LOVE, LOVE, LOVE them!

The fingers got cold, so this is what she resorted to…

A perfect little day. I get 100x more excited about my kids’ birthdays than I do my own. They’re just so much fun!!!

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