
Stuffing Jars With “Those Moments.”

April 5, 2012

The Hubby and I just shared a moment. One of those moments that you just don’t want to forget. Moments that when you are up at 3 am for the fifth diaper change that night trying to dodge the pee this time, you want to remember.

Baby Calvin was getting his diaper changed by The Hubby and was throwing a bit of a fit. So, I peeked my head in there and thought I’d lend a helping hand.

The Hubby worked on applying the new diaper while I worked on getting those teeny tiny flailing body parts into the new jammies. Little Man was squawking away, but we finished and were headed out of the room when The Hubby noticed a pee spot on the new jammies.

Little Bugger snuck in a pee attack when we weren’t looking, so we had to start all over. Oye.

Being changed again REALLY pissed off the little guy as he was now screaming his head off to the point where his little hands were in fists shaking back and forth, and his face turned a deeper shade of red. I also was not aware that he could open his mouth that wide, until then. We were working our fastest trying to get the tainted items off and his freshies put back on.

Over the screams I then start to softly sing “You Are My Sunshine.” I usually get all worked up and anxious when one of my babies cry, but something was different this time.

The Hubby joins in a couple lines later, and we both continue our medley over the ear-piercing screeches.

We start to notice the cries lessening and decide to go on to round two of the song. Before we know it, Little Man is staring back up at us …. in silence. We continued to work, The Hubby wiping up the pee and putting the new diaper on while I again put his now still body parts into the jammies, all the while singing the song.

Right before finishing I gaze over at my husband, still singing, and feel such an incredible, overwhelming gush of love. With a twinkle in his eye he gives me “the look” right back, and we finish up.

In a high-stress situation, we worked as a team and calmed our son.

Sometimes I wish I could capture those gushy love moments in a jar and save them.



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