
Learning A Lesson Through Urine-Soaked Leggings

April 13, 2012

There is a first time for everything. Or so they say.

I was at Mommy group yesterday and learned a quick lesson.

Baby Calvin was sitting on my lap being burped after a scrumptious meal as I was chatting up a storm with a gal pal. Mid-sentence I had to interrupt my pal because I was experiencing a warm, wet sensation.

No, I was not peeing myself, which I sadly admit I have done before. Baby Cal was peeing on me. Through his diaper. Through his clothes. Through his blankey. And through my leggings. And all I could muster out was something along the lines of, “Uhhhh, sorry… he’s uhh…. peeing! On me. Right now!” in which the friend gasped and then broke down into the giggles. I too couldn’t help but laugh as I sat there motionless until he was finished.

After I picked my jaw up off the ground I busted out the changing pad, a pretty puny looking one at that, put it on my lap, and got out a spare diaper, the wipes, and new clothes. As I slowly undressed my son, peeling the urine-soaked layers off of him, he really gave it to me. This is when he decided to take a poo. I watched it come out. On the urine-soaked jammies. On my lap. Thankfully it didn’t get ON my lap. But it happened while on my lap. Still gross. Though strangely not SO gross since he is so small…. is that weird? Is poo coming out of a small baby less gross?

But there I sat with my jaw once again on the ground and my hands in the air as it all came out.

I didn’t know what to do, so I just started laughing. And kind of shrieking. As did all of the ladies around me, in good spirits, of course. A few seconds later and moms were busting out all sorts of things to help this shocked mama. A deluxe changing pad was thrown on the table, a bag was given for his dirty diaper and wipes, his dirty clothes were whisked away and put into a bigger disposable bag to take home and wash.

As one mama put it, “If something like that is going to happen, what better place for it to happen than here?!”

SO TRUE! Thank you, ladies!

As the new diaper was being placed on I was reminded to always point his wee wee down or else he’d end up soaked every time. I don’t know why I thought I didn’t have to do this anymore once he was circumcised. But that’s what I thought. Maybe because the shape of it changed so much afterward that I didn’t really think you could bend it down, and the poor thing just looks so…. painful still and I didn’t want to hurt him by touching it.

Well I quickly learned my lesson and have since been pointing the little thing downward, which doesn’t seem to bother him at all.

I am once again reminded just how many more clothes boys go through than girls. There’s just no telling when that pistol is going to fire!

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  1. Haha. Sophia is notorious for releasing her bodily functions during diaper changes. She has pooped and peed on the changing pad so many times. This mornings diaper change took 3 diapers… The second the new one was put on she soiled it. The other day she pooped on the changing pad while projectile spitting up. This girl is no lady! Yesterday she soaked through her clothes and swaddle. I seriously do a load of laundry every day.

  2. Haha, oh Meagan. I am so right there with ya. The other night, Cal went through 5 diapers! In one session! I’d just get the new one under his bum and then out would come the poo. I was baffled. I learned to wait a minute before changing him as more comes out almost every time a minute later!
    Glad I am not alone here! Thank you for sharing your experience, making this mama feel sane! 🙂

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