
The To-Do List

March 16, 2012

I haven’t packed my “bag” yet. You know, the one you’re supposed to have packed a month before your due date? It has been on my “to-do” list for weeks… and now it’s one of the last four things on my list. I think I have waited so long to do it because I feel like once I pack that bag and cross it off my list, then I am in some way saying… “Ready! Ready to have that baby now!”

And the truth is… I’m not! But I am soooooo close.

I am, and always have been, a list maker. And I am incredibly close to crossing every single thing off of my list, and once that is done, THEN I will be ready for Little Man’s arrival.

Realistically, most of the things on that list don’t make a lick of a difference if done before baby’s arrival or not… but for some reason, in my mind… they MUST get done. And I have been a crazy person about it. But, it just feels SO good crossing things off once completed. Oh, how I look forward to crossing things off.

Ehh, what he heck.

Here is what my list looks like:
1. Finish growth chart and hang
2. Finish bat coat hanger and hang
3. Put together memory/photo albums
4. Finish and order Kodak book
5. Order rug for baby’s room
6. Clean carpets and rug
7. Deep clean house
8. Cook freezer meals
9. Get Gwyn’s 2nd B-day party ideas together and start
10. Maternity/Family Photos
11. Pack hospital bag & Gwyn’s bag
12. Wash new baby clothes, bedding, blankets, etc. 
13. Put stroller together
14. Thank-you cards
15. Print pictures for Gwyn’s new baby album and fill out
16. Get baby items out of bunker
17. Fill out Little Man’s baby book thus far
18. Install infant carseat & parts in Altima
19. Cookies for Dr. Guida and nurses
20. Organize toys
21. Letter to Baby Boy
22. Steam baby’s curtains and bedding
23. Get nails done!
24. Charge video camera & buy blank DVDs
25. Print picture card for Grandpa & send
26. See The Hunger Games!

1. Obviously a necessity. 😉
2. Ditto
3. I had boxes of things like newspapers from the day Gwyn was born, little keepsakes from the hospital that wouldn’t fit in her baby book, cards, movie stubs, brochures from trips we’ve taken, etc. and finally put them into scrapbooks.
4. Instead of printing out pictures and putting them into photo albums, I do all of my photo albums online at
5. The rug was just needed wanted.
6. We have dogs. We are about to have an infant. I wanted those carpets like new, baby!
7. Just had to get done.
8. You never know what kind of day you’re going to have and it’s nice to have something on hand in case cooking just does not make the agenda.
9. I have her b-day mostly figured out, and have started making a few things… but by no means is it done, so for now it cannot be crossed off. I’m crazy, I know this.
10. I was kind of on a time crunch with these. We just took them not even two weeks ago, and even then I was pushing it. I never thought I’d want anything like this… but this could be my last pregnancy (most likely not) so I wanted them just in case.
11. I’m getting there, I’m getting there!
12. Totally necessary, a must.
13. I didn’t want to be fiddling with this thing while trying to get out the door. Luckily, it was insanely easy to put together and we looooooooooove it.
14. A must, of course.
15. I caved in and we got Gwyn a new baby album to match her brother’s. Of course this was a HUGE pain to fill out, especially since the new one goes into such detail, so this took a lot of watching old videos and looking at old pictures to remember various moments. I also had to print out a lot of pictures, baby shower invites, a baby announcement, etc. for it, but in the end, it is such a precious keepsake.
16. Things like the baby swing, moses basket, bumbo, bottles, etc. are a must!
17. I didn’t want to be trying to remember things about this pregnancy and leading up to his birth, so I just got er done.
18. Hello! Duh!
19. If those people have to look at any woman’s lady parts for THAT long, then they at least deserve some dang cookies!
20. It was time to clean out toys Gwyn no longer played with, find the ones Baby Boy will like, and put all parts and pieces together.
21. Just a little something from Mama before each child is born.
22. Who wants to look at wrinkly fabric?
23. A girl needs something to look pretty while in there!
24. The camera is charging, but I have yet to buy the DVDs….they’re on the list.
25. Just a pic of Gwyn to brighten his day.
26. I have been DYING to see this movie ever since I read the books in 2009! I have GOT to make it to opening night! I don’t care if I am contracting through the first few hours of labor while in the theater.. I will go to the hospital right after, I promise! So this means I cannot have the baby until after March 23rd. Work with me here, Little Man!!

So, as you can see, some things…. obviously necessary… others…. ehhhhhh…. to others, no. To this maniac….. uhhh absolutely!

Is anyone else as insane as I am?

Have a good weekend, everyone! I REALLY can’t have the baby this weekend as my doctor is out of town, and that would just start things off ALL wrong….laying low for this mama!

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