
The Maternity Pictures I thought I’d Never Want

March 19, 2012
I didn’t think I’d ever want maternity pictures. But then we found out we were having a boy, and the possibility that this could be my last pregnancy crossed our minds, and I suddenly wanted to remember. Remember what it was like to carry around our children for 9 (Really 10!) months at a time. Remember how my body changed for that seemingly long, but realistically incredibly short period of time before we welcomed our children into the world. And to just help remember this period of life.
Luckily, my sister-in-law owns a fancy schmancy camera, and actually knows how to use it. So I jumped on the opportunity to have her be our photographer for the day when she came into town. Sadly, it was an incredibly cold day, so all of our outdoor shots were quickly nixed once we saw little Gwynnie’s lip quiver. So…. we had to get clever….

Oh… you know…. just lounging around on this here bench. We felt silly.

Someone has a baby in her tummy, too!

This belly is going to be gone soon. Only 1 week until my due date!!! 🙁 Bittersweet.

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