DIY | Life | Recipes

The Hubby Graduated! And We Partied.

May 21, 2014

I mentioned before that The Hubby graduated the same day as Gwyn’s fourth birthday. It was a BUSY but incredibly fun and emotional day! You can see Gwyn’s party here and here, and as soon as that was done we wrapped up the food, left everything else and then booked it down to Pullman, changed clothes and went straight to the graduation.

I’ve got to say, and I didn’t think I would respond this way, but I was so incredibly proud of that man that I just started crying as he walked to the front to be hooded. And I beamed with pride.

He did it.

We did it.

(That’s him on the big screen. πŸ˜‰ )

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Such proud parents. So sweet.


We were all so proud.

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And after graduation we went back to my inlaws’ home and celebrated our graduate.

For the party, I didn’t want to embarrass him with a “high-schoolish” type party, so I tried to keep the decor simple.

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The garland was made from a few old books.

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As was the book page table-runner

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These are The Hubby’s absolute favorite cupcakes, lemon-berry.

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My old books, a school bell, a cement apple and garland decorated the mantle.

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The graduate with his proud mama and papa

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The whole family came in for the big day and I just know it meant so much. The kids in this picture crack me up.

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This is as good as we get. πŸ™‚

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Friends and extended family also came in for the party, including my little sister who surprised us all, and we had a great time! Good food, sweet treats and great company made for a wonderful night.

And after the party we stayed up late playing some pretty rigorous rounds of ping-pong. Β It made for a loooooooooong day cleaning everything up the next day. But, all totally worth it. πŸ˜‰

As always, thanks for stopping by!

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  1. I gotta ask, do you make the macarons yourself or buy? I am a huge fan but have heard they’re very temperamental and hard to bake!

    1. I too am a huge fan, Hilary! I make them. My first attempt was not good. But now I’ve come up with a recipe that works great every time. I’ll post it!

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