
Riding the House Hunting Gone Wrong Crazy Train… Part 2.

September 2, 2014

Yes, there’s a part 2.

(To read part 1, go here.)

I last left off telling you our experiences in trying to buy a home.

In short, it didn’t end well after taking a wild ride on the crazy train and we were done-in on the whole house hunting process.

That is…. until we were shown pictures of a house in our desired neighborhood. That had the land and privacy we were looking for. That had the layout we were looking for….

And we are currently in the process of closing on that house and are so excited!

But let me back up a little…

As soon as we started the process on this current house we started finding new tenants on our rental since the lease was up.

Trying to show a house with two young kids isn’t the easiest thing to do. But, we did our absolute best. Thirty minutes before a showing The Hubby would take the kids out of the house so I could clean it up nicely.

On one particular evening we had such a showing and the potential tenants showed up on time. Right up my alley. They were a southern family with a ten-year-old daughter and two-year-old son.

Here’s where the story gets CRAZY!!!

The girl takes three steps into the house…. pauses…. cups her hands and then PUKES everywhere!

And it doesn’t stop!

Her parents GASP and start the yelling and hollering and whisk her outside where the madness continues all over the front steps.

After about three seconds of hesitation I picked my jaw up off the ground, (for fear of catching germs) pushed my eyeballs back into their sockets and ran to get a hose. Her daughter was drenched in… you know…. stuff and so was the entryway and steps.

And this is where it gets even crazier.

Her parents then start frantically talking to me about how their daughter is going through “The Change.”

You read that correctly.

“The Change.”

As in, their excuse for their daughter puking all over the house was because she was starting to menstruate. And they go on to talk about how awful it is during this time and that this whole experience is totally normal.

And I just stare at them.

I get the girl a new shirt, rags and towels to clean her up with, water to wash her mouth out with and cleaning supplies and stand back as her parents clean it up. As they were finishing up outside I went over what they did on the inside as my gag reflexes ran rampant.

Once finished, I completely expected the family to leave.

To go home and take care of their young girl.

Instead, they had her lay on our living room floor while they continued to look at the house! She was like a pale-dead fish!

I mean, poor thing…

In complete and utter shock, I get the girl a bowl and lay it next to her head.

The parents don’t even do a quick zip-through.



And before I know it I find myself cornered by the dad talking about menstrual cramps! And then the mom talking about how awful going through “The Change” is.
After looping through the house 4-5 times and taking a bajillion pictures, they finally help their weak and ghostly white daughter off of my floor and drape her into the car and leave.

And I ran around the house with a Lysol can before texting my husband it was okay to bring the kids home.

Thank GOODNESS my husband took the k ids away!

So yeah. That really happened.

I’m sure I will be hearing from the Lifetime Network soon.

I’ll keep you posted!

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  1. OMG. You have got to be kidding me. I thought you were going to say that “the change” was some sort of weird religious ritual or diet plan. Since when does puberty cause vomiting? Poor, poor girl! Did they end up renting the house?

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