Decorate | DIY

The Van (our RV) Makeover Reveal and Sources

July 15, 2021

It took us about 5 weeks, but we are DONE! The Van, which is what our youngest has named our RV, got a complete makeover and while working in 100-degree temps wasn’t the most ideal of situations, we sure are happy with the outcome.


Below are the links to everything I could think of that we upgraded and added to the van to give it that homey feel we were looking for.[

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Curtains – These were a DIY that I followed from The Happy Glamper and while sewing isn’t a strong suit of mine, I am really happy with how they turned out.

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Cabinet and wall colors: The taupe color is Creamy Mushroom by Home Depot, and the white cabinets and white walls are Snowbound by Sherwin Williams

Countertops and backsplash– We used Ikea’s faux marble for the countertop and the coordinating marble panels for the backsplash. Because the bathroom marble countertop was a last-minute decision, we got that from Lowes since it came in the size we needed and was available.

Couch– We reupholstered the couch with fabric from Joanne Fabrics

Table– The tabletop is made from Ikea’s faux butcherblock that my husband cut to size, and then we used a table leg purchased from Amazon (linked above).

Hardware– Battle Creek Hardware – Code LADY will take 15% off regular priced items

Ottomans– Boutique Rugs- code LADY60 will take 60% off (Boutiquerugspartner)

Washable Rug– Boutique Rugs -(same code as above)

Bedding– All from Beddys – Code SHANNON takes 20% off



I hope I got everything! If not, just let me know and I will be sure to add it. We also immensely appreciated the encouragement and excitement shown as we completed this remodel; thank you for always being here!

<3 Shannon

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  1. Hi Shannon,
    The van is beautiful. You and your husband did an amazing job. I have been looking for a good butcher block to replace the table in our camper. I did look in IKEA, however noting came up when I entered faux butcher block. Can you send me the link or tell me what you put in the search engine to find it.
    Thank you so much.
    P.S. I watch your stories everyday and you make me laugh so hard. You are real and honest.

  2. Hi Shannon,
    The van is beautiful. You and your husband did an amazing job. I have been looking for a good butcher block to replace the table in our camper. I did look in IKEA, however noting came up when I entered faux butcher block. Can you send me the link or tell me what you put in the search engine to find it.
    Thank you so much.

  3. Hi Shannon,
    I would really love to know where you got that ottoman. Could you please let me know.
    Thank you
    Cheryl Hidalgo

  4. This transformation was so much fun to follow. The van looks totally brand new. I was curious if the rust oleum job t was fairly easy to work with in the shower. Does it hold up well? I have a fiberglass tub that has really yellowed and wondered if that would work.

  5. I’d love to know if you replaced the bathroom door completely or if the panel trim was added. Love the final product, gorgeous!

  6. Hello! I love your IG feed and wanted to come see your site but most of the photos are broken. Darn it! Anyway, have a super day and keep being you, you’re so fun and talented.

  7. Late to the game but I have this same 24F Floorplan and love the transformation. Working up my courage to commit to a makeover !

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