DIY Wooden Icicle Ornaments

November 30, 2019

I recently saw some photos flying around Pinterest of some wooden beaded ornaments and I just LOVED the look! I was then at Hobby Lobby, saw the beads and thought that this would be a pretty easy DIY and it was!


To make four ornaments, I needed the following shown below:


  1. Cut a piece of cord (or twine) long enough to string the beads with enough room at the top to make a loop. My apologies for not measuring this! Then at one end, tie a knot so the beads can’t slip through.

2. String the beads on the cord from smallest to biggest, and then back down to smallest again as shown below.

3. To make the loop to hang from, bend your cord as shown below and wrap it around the front, and then behind the cord creating a small circle. Pull the end of the cord through that circle and pull the cord tight, down on top of the bead, creating a secure knot. Then cut the excess off! (See below.)

I love how they turned out! So inexpensive and easy to make!

As always, thank you for stopping by!

<3 Shannon


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