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Friday Favorites : Kitchen Lighting- Pendants and Chandeliers

October 26, 2018

Happy Friday, my sweet friends!

A couple of weeks ago I asked a question on my Instagram Stories inquiring if there were any topics or stores you would like me to cover when decorating, and one of you sweet peeps brought up kitchen lighting!

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So today I have rounded up some of my very favorites when it comes to kitchen pendants and chandeliers.

I cannot WAIT to do our kitchen remodel, hopefully this Spring, so I am constantly keeping my eye out for lighting options and these are some of my very favorites! I think lighting is such a fun way to make a statement and to show your decorating personality.




I am also a huge fan of oversized lighting, so if it works for the space I am all for it!

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What do you think? Did I miss any that you absolutely think need to be on this list? Tell me! I will add!

If you ever have a request for a certain store or topic you would like me to look into, don’t hesitate to ask! I am happy to help!

As always, thanks for stopping by, my friends!

<3 Shannon

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