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Happy Amazon Prime Day!

July 16, 2018

Hi friends! I woke up this morning realizing it is Amazon Prime Day (running through tomorrow, too) and thought I would round up some of the best deals running on the items we either currently have and love, or items on our wish list. I will also be adding new items as I see them, and if you come across any you’d like to share as well, please let me know and I will add them!

Kan Jam 

We played this game over the weekend and it is SO incredibly fun! This is definitely in my cart and coming home to us.


Spike Ball

We have played this game with some friends on a few occasions and we always have a blast!



We own this game, and love it! You may have seen us playing on a few of my Instagram stories, and we also took it to the lake and had a great time with it. Plus, this company offers a lifetime guarantee for all parts, so if a bucket cracks or breaks, they’ll send you new ones. Sweet deal!


Saucer Swing

I just know our kids would love a swing from this so much. We are considering rearranging our swinging situation on the playset to accommodate this.


Wilson Basketballs 

These balls were cheap to begin with (only $10) and today they’re an extra 25% off! Plus, other color options, too. We have four 🙂


Cards Against Humanity 

This is such a great social gathering game. Warning- it’s dirty. And we love it.


Amazon Echo 

We use this every single day. Every day!


Echo Dot 

We are considering getting one of these for our daughter’s room so she will stop taking our big one upstairs to her room.


Ring Video Doorbell

We have several friends who have this and love it! Plus, you can get some pretty funny videos out of it!



We have a Roomba and run it every single day. I don’t know how I lived before without it. 😉


13- Pack Glass Containers

I love consistency when it comes to Tupperware, and if I didn’t just buy a set from Costco, I would be all over these.


Sous Vide 

We love our Sous Vide, and this is the exact one we have. Perfect meat every time!



Great, great price on this thing!


Instant Pot 

I don’t have one of these (yet) but am thinking I just may have to get one for when school starts. Meals in minutes!



My husband recently got a grill very similar to this one in place of our old BBQ, and he is obsessed. Meats, eggs, pancakes, you name it, he will cook it. He likes to think of himself as an Iron Chef. And I don’t mind one bit!


RX Bar 

These are GOOD!


Only about a day left of shopping this day of great deals! Happy shopping!

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  1. Those kitchen stuff are what I would be getting. Oh, and yes, the Ring Video Doorbell. My sister has that and I get a kick out of it every time I watch the videos of the people ringing her doorbell.

  2. Dor the dirst time in YEARS, I did not shop on Prime Day. Why? The site kept crashing for me 🙁 I these organizing containers would have been so good to me!

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