
Menu Planning Monday #136

April 2, 2018

Welcome to another Menu Planning Monday! Here I try to plan out healthy, EASY meals that will get me in and out of that kitchen as quickly as possible while still keeping our palettes satisfied.

I hope you all had a wonderful Easter! We kept things easy around here and had a great time with family. It is Spring Break for us here, but since we just got back from San Diego a week ago, we are laying low this week. And I love it! What are some of your favorite things to do on Spring Break with your kids when you stay home?


Ginger Chicken Asparagus Stirfry

I love every ingredient in this dish and appreciate the simplicity of it, too.

Fox and Briar



Miss Cindy’s Burger Bowls

My husband is going to LOVE these! Burger bowls?! I have high hopes!


burger bowls




Cheese Taco Shell Tacos

Okay this is my husband’s WEEK! He e is going to crush these, too.

Homemade Interest



Our little guy has turned six and we are celebrating this weekend with some family coming to town, so I am sure we will go out or order in!


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    1. I cannot function without it! Once 4:00 hits I turn into a stressball if I don’t know what we are having! Ha!

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