Today, I am 33! And while the majority of the day is pretty normal with school and daily routines, I did get to celebrate this past weekend and had a wonderful time! Plus, I get to go out with my sweet man tonight as well.
I went to dinner on Friday night with some of my best friends to celebrate my 33rd birthday, and while I had an amazing time, (truly, amazing friends right here) a question was asked that has kept me thinking.
I was asked how I am feeling about turning 33.
And my answer was somewhat jumbled as I couldn’t quite articulate what I was thinking or wanted to say. I’m not even certain I knew what I wanted to say.
It’s hard not to compare myself to others; specifically, to others in the same field that I am in.
This little blog of mine started out as a baking blog. Did you know that? I simply shared recipes, my baking creations, etc. It was called Lady’s Makes and Bakes.
But as we had children and life became busier, I found myself baking less and wanting to talk about and document our family life more and more as a somewhat ongoing memory book.
Fast-forward a bit and my little side hobby has turned into more than just an occasional thing to do, but something I am working on toward a larger goal.
I don’t exactly know what that goal is and wasn’t able to explain it very well to my friends, but it’s something I was hoping would be a little more than it is at this point.
What exactly?
I’m not sure.
Blogging takes a lot of time.
A lot!
And it costs money to keep it running, too. So it’s definitely an investment.
But I do think it is worth it!
I love this little space and all that it is, the people I have met because of it, and the memories I can look back on.
But if I want it to be more and take it to the next level, I would need to dedicate more time to it.
Time I am not sure I want to commit to at this point in my life.
My priority right now is my family. I have young children and a home to maintain. And you know what?
That’s great.
And they’re great. And I need to remember that more. They truly are my greatest accomplishment.
So I think when I am feeling down about my little side gig, I just need to look around (or probably in my lap) and remember why God has put me here and led me down this path.
Because it is the path I would choose over and over again.
For now, I will continue to do as I do here, and I want to thank those of you who continually stop by. I appreciate it very much!
And just for fun, 33 random things you might not have known about me.
- I do not like pickles. I think they are an overpowering, selfish food.
- I once could not think of the name for a phone charger and therefore called it a plugger, which is what our family now calls them.
- I cherish my friendships deeply and have learned over the years it is the quality of those friendships and not the quantity.
- I don’t actually enjoy cooking. Like not really at all.
- I LOVE french fries. With ranch.
- I am double-jointed and my fingers can bend backward to just about touch my wrist.
- I don’t wear a ton of jewelry. I have my staple pieces and will wear them on repeat.
- I don’t like the word “sure.” To me, it means, “ehhhhhh, I don’t really want to.” Or, “if I have to.” So, I rarely ever use it!
- I met my husband at 20, we started dating when I was 21, married when I was 24, had our daughter when I was 25, our first son at 27, and our last son when I was 30.
- I love sweets, but am kind-of a sweets snob. I prefer homemade cookies any day over storebought.
- I take that back. I will eat just about any cheap or fancy candy containing chocolate.
- I wear contacts and am legally blind without them or my glasses. Like, I can’t see the big letter “E” on the eye chart.
- I love to play Bingo! In fact, I got my sorority going in college and my friends have taken me for my birthday the last two years.
- I used to be in a sorority. Kappa Alpha Theta.
- My high school mascot was the senator. Yep. Like a state senator.
- My last name used to be “Gross” until the 8th grade.
- I love Lifetime movies. And musicals. Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, anyone?!
- I don’t particularly like dressing up for themed events. I’m actually getting a little better as I get older.
- Before having kids, I was a high school English teacher.
- I’ve never broken a bone or had a cavity.
- I have one sister who I love very much.
- I am really good at free throws.
- I am horrible at trivia.
- I have a slight form of dyslexia. I will often mix words up; like “Cats and Dogs” will become “Dats and Cogs.” And I actually struggled with math as a child as I would switch the numbers around and couldn’t figure out why the answer wasn’t coming out correctly.
- My middle name is Marie and it is a tradition in our family to give that name to the first-born daughter. Can you guess what Gwyn’s middle name is?!
- I am a pretty decent whistler. I often catch myself whistling popular songs on the radio. My husband tries to compete with me, and just because he is louder doesn’t mean he is better.
- I feel like I am an introverted extrovert. I like being around people, but at the same time, I will often hide when I see someone I know at the grocery store.
- I am a creature of habit and routine. I can eat the same thing for breakfast every day and be just fine. It used to be oatmeal for about a year, and I am now currently on cheesy scrambled eggs. It’s been somewhere around a year eating those now as well.
- In the second grade I cut my hair SO short I was often mistaken for a boy.
- I am horrible at drinking enough water.
- My favorite sport to play is volleyball.
- I am a one purse kind of gal. I will use it until it falls apart before getting a new one. The same thing goes with shoes, too. I really only wear a few pairs on repeat.
- I love to decorate our home and am into all things having to do with home decor.
And that’s it!
A huge thank you to my amazing husband, super sweet friends, and their wonderful spouses for taking me out for my birthday and making me feel so special! I appreciate you all very much!!
Here’s to a great year!
Happy birthday! I don’t enjoy cooking either. And I’m so jealous you’ve never had a cavity! They’re no fun, lol.
I will cross mu fingers it stays that way!
Happy Birthday! I love these type of posts – I’m hoping to do one soon, mostly just for fun.
I don’t really have a lot of shoes or bags either – I just use/wear the same things over and over. I’m also one of those people that eats the same things over and over. LOL I just need to get better at making those HEALTHIER things.
Creatures of habit, right here!!
I loved reading this!!!! You encompass it all! I miss you so much!!!
I soooo wish I knew who wrote this!!! GAH!!!
Happy birthday and wishing you many more.
Thank you very much!!
Happy 33rd Birthday! Umm, we have A LOT in common :). I used to be a high school English teacher as well! And my oldest daughter’s middle name is also Marie, I run the same purse into the ground (who has time to switch them out like that?!), introverted extrovert here, etc. I love pickles though! Especially fried :).
I think I just met my new BFF!!! And I have to admit…… I don’t mind fried pickles AT ALL!!!!!
Happiest of birthdays!! xo
Thank you, thank you!