
Family Photos 2017

October 12, 2017


We recently had our yearly family photos taken, and I am just thrilled with how they came out!

We had them scheduled for after school and before soccer practice, and while it was a tight squeeze with our time, it just worked out the best for everyone so we made it work. Oh, and did I mention the kids had their Fun Run that day at school as well? In the rain? Ha! So, the kids were running on empty and acting quite strange, and with our shoot only being about 20 minutes, I was just hoping to get ONE good family photo out of the bunch.


So, when Trisha from Trisha Bruininks Photography sent me our photos and I discovered we had several amazing photos, I was pleasantly surprised with the outcome! Today I am sharing just a handful, but some of my very favorites!


In fact, I think this one just may be my new blog cover photo! What do you think, do you have a favorite?!



I love how playful these next bunch of photos are and how they truly capture the personalities of our kids.







And gosh. Just, love.






With a young family, we are only able to handle about twenty minutes before everyone starts going a little nutty, so this option worked out perfectly for us. And if you are worried about how your family might act during a shoot, rest assured we were all super weird that day and somehow Trisha captured some magic!



Just love this little crew of mine! And these photos!





Thank you for the beautiful photos, Trisha! They are cherished!

Check out her website HERE, her Instagram HERE, and her Facebook HERE. 

Thanks for stopping by!


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  1. Oh my gosh they turned out fantastic! I can’t believe these were only done in 20 minutes on such a busy day! The ones of your three kids being silly and goofing off are pure gold! Such a cute family!

    1. I know, you would never guess what the day was actually like by the photos! And thank you! yes, I agree! I love the wrestling ones!

  2. What fabulous family photos! You have such precious little ones. Children grow so quickly from year to year. It’s so wonderful to have a professional photographer help you capture life’s beautiful moments.

    1. So sweet! Thank you!! I mostly hear how much our kiddos look like my husband, so to be thrown in the mix is nice! Haha!

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