
Menu Planning Monday #102

July 31, 2017

Welcome to another Menu Planning Monday! Here I try to plan out healthy, EASY meals that will get me in and out of that kitchen as quickly as possible while still keeping our palettes satisfied.

My husband has been building our back deck for the past two weeks now, which means easy meals are in store because I have been single-parenting it. I am tired! And he’s been working his tail off and is as well. Trying to keep the fuel coming!


Slow Cooker Chicken Enchilada Casserole 

The Magical Slow Cooker



Sausage and Pepperoni Stromboni

Franklin LOVES pizza, so this looks like a fun alternative. And I will be buying pre-made wheat pizza dough.

Garnish and Glaze


Babysitter = Grilled cheese!


Chicken Avocado Burritos

These are a hit EVERY TIME. So good! I use Greek yogurt for the sour cream and wheat tortillas.

OMG Chocolate Desserts



Pantry and fridge raiding…

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  1. looks like your family will be having a fun week of dinners – I personally love anything I can make in a slow cooker too – makes life so much easier!

  2. I so need to try to meal plan, but it just doesn’t ever seem to work for me! Thanks for the inspiration and some great looking meals!

  3. The slow cooker chicken enchilada sounds interesting. I’ve head a slow cooker for 9 years now and haven’t used it yet, lol!

    1. Oh my goodness YOU GET THAT THING OUT! I used to be so against the slow cooker as I had made a couple of bad recipes- but now it is my BFF!

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