
The Moment My Heart Stopped at Farm Chicks 2016

June 8, 2016

I look forward to Farm Chicks every year. Actually, that is an understatement. As soon as I get my new calendar every Christmas it is one of the first things I write down and my husband is informed of the exact date.

For those of you who are unaware, Farm Chicks is a massive antique/vintage show with hundreds of vendors, which means thousands of items to look through. To some, this is daunting. To me, this is incredible.

My pal was equally excited about this show and drove in for it from out of state. And as you can see, we are not alone with the excitement as hundreds of others were lining up hours beforehand.

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Once 9:00 am hit, it was GO time! Β image4

Below are some of the pieces I drooled over, but they were either sold or too expensive.

This old map cabinet is GORGEOUS! And Tall! And incredible! But, was very expensive, and very sold. πŸ™‚



It’s hard to tell in this photo, but this old mirrored window is tall and absolutely stunning in person. I mean, just look at that lady’s reaction. It’s nail-biting, I tell you!


Ha! Here’s a better photo.


I have no idea what this thing is, or what it was once a part of, but it is COOL!


And this table… metal top, wooden sides, and on wheels. I was a fan…. but whoowey! Pricey.


This copper clock almost came home with me. I just couldn’t figure out how to hang the darn thing because on the other side is also a clock. AND, it wasn’t currently in working condition. So, sadly I had to let it go.


But, here IS what came home with me!

This little copper tin. I have been looking to add touches of copper to our kitchen to go with our displayed Moscow Mule mugs, and this little guy was a perfect addition.

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We have a coat hanger in our front entryway where the kids hang their coats every day, but having a spot for the coat that is used most often at school and the backpacks is what I was after, so this came home with me, too, to hang in our garage.

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And when I saw this little bench with these antique grape crates underneath, I knew it would be perfect under the window in Franklin’s room.

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I saw this picture on Pinterest, and decided that is what I would like to do with the space going up our stairs, so I also picked up these two gold mirrors.


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It was time, now, for me to take a break, eat the lunch that I packed (those lines are crazy!) and do a little pumping. Yes, I packed my lunch. Yes, I brought my pump. And yes, I brought a cooler to store my milk in. Dedication!

And then, back at it.

I was going through the last couple of booths in the last bay, just about done for the day, when I looked up and noticed the sea of people were parting and light was shining down on “the one.”

Mesmerized, I walked in a trance across the way and over to “the one,” and I just stared. I stared at its large size. I stared at the detailing. I stared at the other people staring at my “the one.”

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Isn’t it gorgeous?!

And if you know me, you know my obsession with card-catalogs, or things that resemble them.

And then, I noticed how it opened. Tiny little doors, opening with ease. Each latch in perfect condition. And my heart stopped. I opened and closed, and opened and closed, and opened and closed these doors, trying my best to catch the drool on my sleeve.

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I took a quick photo to send to my husband, and as I sent it to him watched dozens and dozens of others stop in their tracks, open and close the doors, and comment on its beauty.

I had to have it.

And with the okay from my husband, hurdle number one was jumped.

Hurdle two was getting the seller to come down on the price. Jumped.

Hurdle three ended up being from the bank after they temporarily stopped my card due to suspected fraud since the seller was from out of state. But, jumped.

And once the transaction was complete, “SOLD” was written on the tag and I did one very. happy. dance.

But then I wondered how in the world I was going to get it home! This thing is 7′ long and we don’t exactly have a truck…

But, somehow, miraculously, it fit into my car! With maybe 1/8″ to spare!

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And it couldn’t fit more perfectly in this spot. πŸ™‚

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That concludes my Farm Chicks finds… until next year!

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  1. This sounds like a lot of fun and you made some great finds! I gotta say, when you said “Farm Chicks” I thought you were taking your kids to a chick farm lol. I was ready for lots of pictures of baby chickens.

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