
Memorial Day 2016- One for the Books

June 1, 2016

One of the best parts about having a blog is being able to easily look back over the years and remember.

Remember the adventures we took, remember the different phases of life, (both great and hard) and remember the moments I wish to never forget.

This past weekend is one I would like to never forget, as every single one of us had a memorable and fun time.

We kicked the weekend off by BBQing with some friends, and I didn’t snap a single picture. Dangit! We always love being in the company of good friends, and when the kiddos have friends to play with too, even better.

Saturday we packed up the car and headed for Silver Mountain Resort. We randomly ended up here on Mother’s Day due to some bad weather and had such a good time that we wanted to return again soon. And since this time the trip was planned, we had everything we needed to stay the night and people…. if you are in the area and have young kids, this is a must. The rooms have separate bedrooms, pullout couches, full kitchens, laundry units, large dining room tables and all of the amenities a young family could want to make the stay comfortable.

And once again, we all had a fabulous time! Franklin LOVES floating in the water and did plenty of it.


And these two acted like BFFs the entire time. It is so nice having these two close in age (most of the time) as they had one another to play with and go down the slides over and over and over with.





This little babe just loved every second! And when it was time to nap, the running water was loud enough to create the perfect white noise putting him right to sleep.


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They were adorably sweet to each other.


The resort has so many outdoor activities as well, and there truly wasn’t enough time to do it all.



And by the end of the day, everyone was OUT.



The next morning we went to breakfast before hitting the water park for one more hour. And after that we changed quickly and then hit the road to spend some quality time with family in  Coeur d’ Alene at the lake. And our kids were just spoiled with fun!




While we waited for dinner we let the kiddos play in the water and mud.. because well, it’s vacation!


Thus, my son’s outfit at dinner consisted of my sweater and his sister’s shoes…

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A little dancing to live music

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And then back to the cabin for baths. And this… is what baths look like when up to the dads. 🙂


Before bed S’mores… and can I point out the dad packs? Lovin’ it.



The next morning consisted of relaxing views, quality cousin playing time, and ATV rides before heading home.

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And once home, we played in the backyard and grilled some burgers, capping off the weekend perfectly. BTW-Can someone come over and teach Gwyn how to do a cartwheel? My attempts at teaching this were not working… Ha!

And that is our Memorial Day Weekend, 2016!

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