About two years ago we discovered my favorite brunch spot. And I just have two words for you. Maple. Bacon. The buffet at the Coeur ‘d Alene resort is my absolute favorite and mostly in part due to the to-die-for maple bacon. So for Mother’s Day this year, that is where we went for brunch, and we were one happy bunch!
Oh yeah. And the dessert portion of the buffet. It’s HUGE and not filled with the typical cheesecake slices and carrot cake. It is DELUXE. And now I am salivating.
We loaded up the car to spend the day riding bikes, scooters, and playing at the beach. So after brunch we headed out… but not for long. It was SO windy that Franklin and I stayed bundled up under a blanket. I have no idea how these kiddos insisted they were having fun, but as you can see in the background, the tree is about to blow over.
Now, I thrive on planning, but I am trying really hard lately in staying loose and adjusting. So, when The Hubby suggested driving 30 minutes further to an indoor waterpark since we were all in our suits already anyway, I agreed. Which was big for me! We didn’t have any swim gear for Franklin since we didn’t think it would be warm enough for him at the beach, I didn’t pack certain things I would have had we planned for this outing, and I didn’t have enough baby food to last until the evening. But, I decided to just go with it and see what happened.
So, we stopped by a store and got Franklin some swim diapers and food, reserved a hotel room at the resort and were on our way.
Our kiddos were basically bursting at the seems once we entered the water park at the resort, and seeing the joy on their faces just made me such a happy mama.
I wasn’t sure how Franklin would do while there, but he did amazingly! He loved the lazy river and just kind-of hung out. After a few hours of fun, we decided to go back to our hotel room for a little break, which gave us the perfect opportunity to nap Franklin and order in some dinner. Our room had a washer and dryer in it, so we went back with nice warm suits and ended up closing the joint down. And did I mention it was basically empty there? The lines were almost non-existent and we went around the place like we owned it.
And on the way home…. a nice quiet ride.
I had a wonderful day with my people. While driving home The Hubby and I deemed Mother’s Day a lot like Kid’s Day, as we were pretty sure it was right up there with Christmas.
Looks like fun but relaxing at the same time. The proof is in the pudding: your last photo of the kids passed out. They look all blissed out.