
Baby Franklin Turns 6 Months

May 19, 2016

Our sweet baby Franklin has turned six whole months! Which means we had the pleasure of working with Heidi of Glimpse Photography in capturing his milestone photos, and once again, they did not disappoint.


I know it. I am just as amazed. Didn’t we just take his three month photos? And now we have lived half a year with our sweet baby boy.


This little boy is such a charmer. He will flash ANYONE a smile, immediately capturing their hearts.


He’s wearing size 9 month clothing and size 2 shoe (I think). He doesn’t wear many shoes as of yet.


His two bottom teeth came in at the same time, around 5.5. months. We didn’t experience a bout of fussiness, (and I give all credit to the teething necklace he is wearing, see our thoughts on it here.) they just sort-of appeared one day.


His full head of dark hair is no more. It has all turned blonde, just like his sister and brother. His eyes, though, are still questionable, but I think they are turning brown.


Some of his favorites include putting everything into his mouth, taking baths, being outside, and riding around in the Bjorn.


He is eating solids at both lunch and dinner time and is an eating machine. You can’t shovel it in fast enough.

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He has also just started experimenting with baby puffs. He handles them well and seems to really enjoy these.


He can sit up on his own, but not left unattended for he will tip over.


He’s starting to do a little more babbling, which is so fun to listen to.


Franklin really doesn’t cry much. He may fuss for a few minutes when going to bed on occasion, but really, that’s about it. He is so different than our first two in that department and for that I am truly grateful.


His nicknames include (and I have no idea why on some) Frankie, Cranklin (when he’s not happy with something), Captain Cranklin, Frankalino, Frankie Baby, Frankachino, Frankie Mo…

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He naps from about 9-10:15/10:30 am and 1-3 pm. He goes to bed around 7 pm, is woken up at 10:30 pm to feed, and then sleeps until about 7am.



He loves his cute little feet. Playing with them, sucking on them. Doesn’t matter. Built-in toys.


This is our last baby. The last time we are going to care for, raise, nurture, and cuddle a little baby in our home. And the realization of that makes my heart pound.

It’s going quickly. Too quickly.

Since I would consider myself a pretty sentimental person, having these photos to remember these phases by is truly a gift. For once more time goes by, that’s it. They can never be re-created. They can never be replaced.

If you are even remotely considering capturing these moments with your own babe or family, I want to urge you to do it. You will never regret having these photos and you will be thanking yourself later.

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Three Months


Six Months


Glimpse Photography specializes in maternity and baby photos, so you can rest assured you will be in good hands.

Heidi and I have become friends during this pregnancy and baby journey. Her kindness, gentle ways, and nurturing tendencies are reassuring as she handles my sweet baby Franklin. I know she will do the same for your babe, too. 🙂

To see more of her work, check out her website HERE.

If you want more info on her Baby Milestone Club, go HERE.

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  1. Six months is my favorite age because the baby is so curious and interactive with people and you can see all these in these pictures. These shots are amazing and you look like a supermom! I hope you post something about how you manage to stay so fit. The baby is very adorable especially in that stylish hat.

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