
House Lights in Under 5 Minutes aka One of the Happiest Moments in My Husband’s Life

December 2, 2015

While at the store the other day The Hubby came across something that for him I believe to be life-changing.

The way his face lit up as he stared at the box was like watching a child stare at a bowl of ice cream. With sprinkles.

Pure joy and anticipation.

‘Whatever could it be?’ you might be wondering.


As Seen on TV Star Shower

The Star Shower Laser Light.

Basically, it’s a light you stake into your grass and shine at your house, covering it in tiny little lights instead of hanging traditional lights.

I, on the other hand, was not sold. It looked gimmicky, I like white lights (not an option with this thing), and I was skeptical it would even work.

But, that was not enough, and the thing came home with us.

Once we got home, The Hubby and older kids went outside to try it out, and Franklin and I hung out inside rolling our eyes in the back of our head.

Minutes later, all three of them came bursting inside the house telling us to come and check it out.

After another eye roll, I put my boots on, wrapped Franklin up in a blanket and out we went.

And dang-it!

I hate being wrong.

But, the thing worked.

It took minutes to set up. Our house was covered in lights. And I didn’t have to worry about my husband climbing around on our icy roof hanging traditional lights.

Here is how it  looks. Pictures taken quickly with my phone because it is already COLD here.







As our neighbor described it as she drove by the other night, “It looks like he threw a light net over your house. Love it. ” And she and her husband are now owners of the Starshower laser light themselves.

Our next door neighbor also came over to ask where we got them, and the poor neighbor on the other side, who had been up on his roof for two days stringing his family’s lights jokingly said, “that’s cheating!”

For reference,  we got three of these lights to cover it. Two for the front, and one for the side as it can also be seen from the street as well.

So, overall, here are the pros and cons.


Your house will be covered in lights within minutes.

Whoever usually puts the lights up will be kissing your feet, or if that is you, you now have several hours of your life back.

There is no risk to your life putting this up.

You save just as much time when it comes time to take everything down.

They’re relatively inexpensive compared to buying lights to cover your entire house or hiring a company to do it for you. ($40 at Wal-mart, and $40 at Bed Bath and Beyond, but you can use a 20% off coupon there!)



You only have the option of green and red, or just green.

You can’t see them very well from down the street as they’re not super bright.

I suppose if it snows a ton overnight you will have to go un-bury your light and re-stake it (kind-of a stretch of a con)


Overall, I am for this Starshower Laser Light. My husband didn’t have to spend hours climbing around our icy house while I worried about him, they were up and working within minutes, and our kids are just as happy with these as traditional lights (which we didn’t have any of yet for this house).

So there you have it! Hope this little review helps some of  you out there who are looking to save a little time this holiday season!





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