
Life Lately

August 24, 2015

Week two of our trip back home was pretty full of fun with friends.

The Hubby and I actually got to start off with a night in Tahoe to celebrate our 6th anniversary. We ate dinner at the place our reception was held and visited our wedding site which was incredibly special. We hadn’t been back since our wedding day and SO many wonderful memories came flooding back that it brought tears to my eyes. We dubbed this mini getaway our favorite anniversary yet.


The next day we took the kids to an open gym and let them loose, and then took  Cal, Gwyn and their pal, Asher  to see the new Minion movie. And they rocked it! It was Cal and Asher’s first movie, so it was a special time for the two of them to experience together.

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The next couple days were filled with the Children’s museum, Jump n Shout and Food Truck Friday. Let’s just sum it all up with our kids haven’t been bored.

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On Sataurday we took them to the beach in Lake Tahoe and I have been dying to do this for so long. I grew up going to Tahoe and to see out littles experience it was such a joy! After that we went to our good friends’ little girl’s birthday party and the kiddos had a blast.

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And on Sunday our wonderful, sweet and incredibly thoughtful friends threw The Hubby and I a joint BBQ baby shower. And it was perfect. Our old friends from back home were all there, it was decorated beautifully, catered by a family-friend whose food we love and had some very special touches. There was even a tumble bus for the kiddos! Which in my opinion, was genius.



More pics and details from this coming soon!

It was the PERFECT way to end our vacation back home and allowed us to see all of our friends before heading back. So thankful for good friends and family!

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