
Bumpdate: Week 28- Hello 3rd Trimester!

August 12, 2015

How Far Along: 28 Weeks! HOW am I already in my third trimester? Time is flying!

Symptoms: I am starting to get a little sore on my morning jogs. I shouldn’t even call them jogs anymore. They are more like wobbles. Imagine a big, I dunno, gorilla trying to run carrying her baby on her tummy at the same time… uphill. That is how I feel. OH! And last week I started to get braxton hicks contractions. I thought I was just super full from dinner one night, but after feeling that way for three hours AND having to cancel plans with a friend because of it, I knew something was up. A friend suggested Braxton Hicks and sure enough, I have been getting them more often now.

 Embarrassing Moment: This wasn’t super embarrassing, but while out jogging in my parents’ neighborhood I ended in a stick-up-the-butt kind of wobble as I was just so achy in my groin area. So I am sure that was a pleasant site.
Maternity Clothes: I have been living in workout gear and maxi dresses. That is it. I found THE BEST workout/yoga pants at Old Navy on sale and just bought one size up to accommodate for growth. They are slenderizing and my hubby’s eye brows go up when I wear them making this mama feel GOO-OO-OOD. (Pants in picture)
Week 28
Gender: Sometimes I wish we had found out. For planning purposes. I LOVE having things done when baby arrives and this is not helping one bit. At first I thought I would do a gender neutral room and then just add accents later. But then I found this wall paper that has me swooning, and if we have a girl I definitely want to go this route.
Big Girl Room featuring a fab floral wallpaper accent wall!love the wallpaper
Via                                                                                                     Via 
And if a boy maybe this route…
joy ever after :: details that make life loveable :: - Journal - gender neutral woodland nursery
Movement: This baby is so different than the first two in terms of movement. With the other two, when I would feel something I would be thinking, “Aww! I can feel my precious baby!” since all the kicks were up high in my belly where one would expect. But with this baby, this baby is a vagina jabbing ninja. He/she is SO low that any kind of movement has me going to the bathroom and thinking things like, “You better watch it or I am going to start jabbing back, child.”
Sleep: Sleep is pretty good, except for when I am trying to turn over. #thatstruggleisreal
Cravings: My mom had Dreyer’s Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream at her house while we were staying there and something came over me. I am usually a soft-serve kind of girl and regular ice cream isn’t as appealing. But I tried this stuff and oh my. Chunks of rich chocolate in perfectly minty cream.
Aversions: Nothing really
Body changing: It is very clear that I am pregnant now and I get asked all the time how far along I am. The next time I am asked I kind-of want to say, “Uhh, I’m not pregnant…” just for a few seconds to see the look on their face. Ha! Cruel, I know. But I will fess up soon after. I will let you know how that pans out.
Names: We are still looking for something classic/old-fashioned with cute nicknames. Similar to Gwyneth-Gwyn and Calvin- Cal. Open for suggestions! Gwyn suggested Kayla recently.
Nesting: While I can’t quite do what I want yet to the baby’s room, I CAN finally put together Cal’s new room, and I have chosen a bed for him. And have given The Hubby the task of making it. So, so kind of me, right?
Best Moments this week: Just spending time with my family and seeing our littles making memories with grandparents has been pretty great.


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