
The Perfect Weekend

May 14, 2015

There are some posts every now and then that I compose because I want to remember. I want to remember every little detail of every moment and this blog is a way for me to look back over the years and do just that, so bare with my while I flood this post with pictures and memories.

Ahem. Here we go.

Last weekend was in my eyes, perfection. Being with my family all weekend having nonstop fun was a weekend I would like to remember forever,

Saturday started off with my little girl turning five. She had been counting down the days to her special day  for a while and being her fifth, I wanted it to be special, starting off with pancakes in the shape of 5’s.


She then requested that we go outside and ride scooters while playing “sisters,” so that we did before getting ready to go on our first ever family fishing expedition. And I may not have mentioned this before, but I LOVE fishing. Not so much the part that deals with worms, but the whole excitement of the catch is right up my alley.

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While we didn’t catch anything, playing in the water and just being outside together was pure bliss.


That evening we went to Gwyn’s favorite restaurant, “The Ball Place,” aka, 5 Mile Pizza, with family and all had a great time. Arcade games and a ball pit equals happy kiddos in our fam.

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And we finished off the night doing one of Gwyn’s favorite things; roasting marshmallows. They stayed up way past their bedtimes and just had the best day.


The next day was Mother’s Day and I had no idea what the day would look like. I did know we were having breakfast at 9:30, but that was it.

Allowed to sleep in, I got up at about 8:15 and thought I would leisurely shower, actually blow-dry and curl my hair and be ready in time to leave for breakfast.

But no. It didn’t quite happen like that. The minute I got out of the shower I was informed that we needed to leave in 15 minutes. FIFTEEN! The kids smelled of camp-fire, weren’t dressed and I was dripping wet.


Not exactly thrilled with the situation, I went into go-mode and The Hubby threw them into the bath while I ran to get their clothes after throwing on some clothes for myself. While The Hubby then showered, I finished washing the kids and got them dressed.

And while The Hubby got them out and into the car, I finished putting myself together.

It was then I learned that breakfast WAS at 9:30, but in Coeur d’ Alene, which is about 45 minutes away, AND we had to make a stop beforehand.

Once there, though, we enjoyed one of the BEST breakfasts we have ever had. The maple bacon! Oh, the maple bacon! I am embarrassed to admit how many pieces of that I had, so instead I will show you a quick photo I slyly snapped of just the dessert section while trying not to be the weirdo taking a photo of the dessert section. Absolute heaven.


We then ventured around the dock admiring the water before wandering over to the park, which was one of the coolest parks we have ever been to.

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And not far away at all, an amazing beach that had the kids just about over the edge. Who am I kidding, we all were! And I didn’t even care, “Get Wet!” I told them. After a couple hours of swimming, digging and sand castle building, we headed home for Cal to take a nap.

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And this is when Miss Gwyn and I snuck out to get our nails done. This was such a special little time for us as they really did it up for Mother’s Day there.

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And to close out the day we did a little BBQing and family movie night on the couch. It felt so, so good.


The Hubby really outdid himself this year. Having a wonderful day filled with my wonderful little people was exactly how I wanted to spend the day. And to top it off, I was surprised with a gift from he and the kids.

First, Gwyn and Cal presented me with this UH-MAZING card beaming ear-to-ear. It lights. It sings. It brings instant-giggles every time.

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I don’t think I have ever received a card I have loved more. I could just tell that THEY picked it out and seeing how wonderful they thought it was just about made my month.

I mean, it doesn’t get much more special than a Catablanca Anniversary card. 🙂 (Side note, technically it WAS the 5th anniversary from the day I became a mother since Gwyneth was born on Mother’s Day, so truly it worked!)

The Hubby then gave me his card which brought me to tears, and enclosed in the card were some pictures of food. Knowing my guy likes food, I assumed these were meal ideas I thought he was hoping I would make.


With my head tilted a little trying to figure it out, he explained that he had gotten me the gift of time.

Time away from a little meal planning, grocery shopping and prepping.

A few months worth of pre-planned and prepped meals from that I can go online and choose from.  I can choose how frequent they come, when they come and can put a stop to them when we leave town.

I just about peed my pants.

This was one of the most thoughtful gifts I have ever received. So, starting next week, twice a week, meals will be delivered to our doorstep and I am SO excited! I will let you know how it goes. 🙂

Hope you have a great day and thanks for stopping by!

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