I Made a Sign

January 21, 2015

Our entryway had a very tall  blank wall and I knew that when I had a minute (or lots of them) I wanted to make a sign to put above our new entryway bench to help fill some of that space.

I didn’t know right away what I wanted and The Hubby and I took some time to sift through some quotes and listen to some old songs that we used to listen to a lot while dating. After some searching, one that stuck out right away was this one.:

Do you recognize it?

Processed with VSCOcam with a6 preset


It is Such Great Heights by The Postal Service. And we used to listen to this band over and over and over again before we were married. So much so that this was the main band our dear Gwyneth listened to while in the womb hooked up to my earphones on the belly.

It was one of those instantaneous moments when it came on, too. We knew this was “the one.”

I painted the wood with Heirloom Paint and then created the stencils with my Cricut.


This took quite a while, but once they were all cut it then took some time to get them to fit properly on the board. I wanted the words to continuously run together and start and end perfectly. Doing this made me have to scrunch one of the lines together. But for us, this was quite alright.



Once aligned just right, I taped them down.


I then painted them in! The Hubby built me the frame and I stained it and then sealed it with Heirloom Paints Clear Wax and up it went.


Processed with VSCOcam with a6 preset

It’s not perfectly straight. It runs together. But to us, it is personal and means something.




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