
Today we celebrate 5 years!

July 25, 2014

The Hubby and I are celebrating our fifth wedding anniversary today!






And we are doing so in Canada! I am SO excited about this little trip.

And here is why.

For the last 10 days I have been Hans Solo with the kidlets.

Side note- I don’t even know who Hans Solo is. It just… came to me.

Anyway, The Hubby has been in our old town completely fixing up our old house in preparation to sell. He is like a master of all trades, that guy.

And I have been home with our babes. And during this time our son decided that since I am home alone with them it would be a GREAT time to start potty training.

So that’s what we have been doing! Yaaaaaaay……. (sarcasm).

So you see why I am excited to get away?

Also, every year we watch our wedding video and I cry.

Because it was one of THE BEST DAYS of my life. As I am sure it is with most people.

Below is the highlight video. I suggest skipping ahead to 2:16. Our little surprise of the wedding.

I can’t believe he went along with that. I can’t believe everyone did!

I wish I could live this day ALL over again.


Anywho,we are on our trip now,  so I will see ya when we get back!

Thanks for stopping by 🙂


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