
And the biggest losers of 2013 are…

January 2, 2014

The biggest losers of 2013 are…
The Hubby and I!!!
We had full intentions of making New Years 2013 epic. Hired a babysitter. Made reservations downtown. Picked out a hot little number. Arranged for transportation home. The whole shebang.
And then… the flu ravaged the home of our friends. Total bummer, but understandable for the cancellation.
We decided to keep the babysitter coming and to still dress up and have a good time. But then the thought of driving around downtown looking for a parking spot didn’t sound very fun, especially while starving, so we went to a restaurant near our home which turned out to be very good. Plus, a random guy at the door told us to say the word “gams” which brought us each a free glass of champagne. No idea why, but we said it and it worked.
Gams. What is a gam?
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While at dinner The Hubby and I decided it also seemed rather annoying to fight the young folk downtown for a drink. (Does this date us?) Instead, hitting up the mall seemed like a much better idea! So, we drove out to the valley mall only discover that EVERYTHING is closed on New Years Eve. Everything.
We then stopped for dessert. And it was SO good. This is when we decided a movie would be fun to go to and we researched what was playing in the theaters from our phones.
Nothing. We couldn’t find one movie that looked worthy of waiting up for.
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And this is the moment we became the biggest losers of 2013.
You know where we spent most of New Years Eve??
Yeah, you read that correctly!
If you don’t know what a Fred Meyer is, it’s basically a suped-up grocery/home store.
We had never been in one before and while driving noticed it was open and decided to check it out. It was incredible! You can buy an avocado and a big screen all in one clean store And look at all these cute baskets I had to convince myself not to buy!
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Yep, no matter how many exclamation points I use it is still lame. I know this.
We did end up perusing for over an hour, though! (!!!)
It was just kind-of nice to browse a store (kidless) and not have to rush. No real agenda. Nowhere we had to be. (Clearly.) And we took our time.
This is what we came home with (by 10:00 pm, btw). And all of these things were on sale, too. Well, except the choo choo. Cal is obsessed with choo choos and I can’t resist. And the birthday cards. But everything else! Go ahead and call me a Fred Meyer fan.
securedownload (2)So there you have it. Our New Years 2013 recap. I will say, though, it sure does beat a few previous years when I spent midnight with my head in a toilet!
Yep, still losers.
Here’s to being a (well-rested and non-puking!) loser! What did you do? Stay in or go out?
Thanks for stopping by!

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  1. Maybe it wasn’t the fabulous night out you originally had planned, but hey – it still sounded like fun!!!! Especially with all those exclamation points 😉 Free champagne, dessert, and a little retail therapy sounds like a great way to ring in the new year to me! Cheers!

    1. Hahaha, you are right. It really was an enjoyable night with my hubby. Sometimes the unplanned events can be the most enjoyable!

  2. Marc and I totally went to bed at 12:30, and we were on vacation in Thailand!! So don’t feel lame. If you’re happy and having fun then who cares about other people’s idea of fun. I’m sorry you guys all got the flu. I can’t imagine taking care of another person when you’re sick yourself. I’m sick with the flu right now and I can barely do anything. I’m totally impressed. Anyway, Happy New Year!! 🙂

    1. Oh haha, Melissa, we didn’t get the flu (THANK GOODNESS!) but our friends did. It was still a nice night out with The Hubby. I really can’t complain. 😉

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