
Merry Christmas! (too excited to sleep!)

December 25, 2013

I really didn’t have a post ready for today. I’ve been spending some much anticipated time with family and just didn’t do it!
But, now it is Christmas Eve and  I am just too pumped to go to bed! The kids have been asleep for hours, the cookies, milk, and carrots have been set out (along with a special note), the gifts are under the tree, the “new” gifts are under the tree, games have been played with family members, old home movies have been watched, breakfast has been prepped for the morning, last minute wrapping has been completed, and here I am in my bed, just like I was twenty-something years ago, too excited to sleep.
Because NOW I am experiencing Christmas through the eyes of my children and it is insane.
The joy I receive from experiences like these is in a unique category all on its own.
There is just so much hope, magic  and wonder in our kids’ eyes as I see them processing everything that Christmas entails that it just seems to make my heart want to explode.
It is that good.
Everything from Gwyn coming home from the Christmas service at church bursting with  excitement to show us her new Jesus ornaments to Cal experiencing the pepper minty goodness of candy canes for the first time. From making and decorating sugar cookies for Santa to riding around with hot cocoa looking at Christmas lights. From being in absolute awe  while admiring a nativity scene on someone’s lawn to eating copious amounts of goodies everywhere we went due to the quickly spreading Christmas cheer. From decorating gingerbread houses while eating the majority of the decor to hunting for Buddy the Elf whenever Mom remembered to change his location.
Each little moment, experience and memory is just so special and while they may not remember these little things when they are older, The Hubby and I sure will.
I hope you all have an absolutely WONDERFUL Christmas and that your day is filled with warmth, laughter and love.
MERRY CHRISTMAS from our family to yours!
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