DIY | Life

Best in Show decorated house award 2013 printable

December 23, 2013

Last year we added a new Christmas tradition to our repertoire, that of which we repeated last night. It is one of my favorite Christmas memories and our experience last night was no exception.
We get bundled in our jammies and coats, hot chocolate in hands, and hop into the car to look at Christmas lights around the neighborhood. The difference from previous years, though, is that we hand an award to our favorite house!
It is so fun comparing our favorites and deciding which house should receive the award, and while we helped the kids choose the house last year, the kids were (sortof) old enough this year to help choose their favorite, so it was enjoyable to see which houses they liked the most.  securedownload
This is the award we passed out this year.

      It says:


                We’ve searched high and low

                and think your decorations are the Best in Show!


The super cute couple who owned the house was absolutely thrilled to receive the award and thanked us over and over again.
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If you have yet to look at lights around your town or neighborhood, print out this little award and go have a fun new family memory together! Plus, you will totally make someone’s night!
To download this free printable, click the link below.
Best in Show decorated house award
If you find any phenomenal houses, please share! I love to see those who have gone above and beyond!


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