
Pieces of gold

November 1, 2013

I can’t express how much I just love the holidays. Not that I didn’t enjoy them before, but after having kids I receive so much joy seeing the world through their eyes. Enjoying the things I once did as a child.

We packed in as much Halloween fun as we could this week, starting with a pumpkin painting party at the children’s museum. It was messy. It was chaotic. It was pricey, too. But, It wasn’t my mess, it wasn’t chaos I had to handle and while it was my money, these two kidlets had a great time splattering paint and glitter on tiny pumpkins.

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These two little “gems” cost me $20. I can hold that mini gem in the palm of my hand. Oh well. There wasn’t any clean-up for me afterward! And they enjoyed it, so in my book that makes it worthwhile.

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The Hubby is the artist in our family, and I’m a little afraid of knives, so while Gwyn scooped out goop The Hubby carved the kitty face Gwyn had her heart set on. Cal was cranky and went to bed early. Next year, pal. 🙂

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One very happy girl.

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At preschool the kids had a little Halloween party and went trick-or-treating around the building and decorated cookies.

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And that night we went trick or treating as Little Red Riding Hood, The Big Bad Wolf, The Huntsman and the Grandma.


And Grammie and Poppie came over with special goodies to join in on the fun.







We came home to eat a few treats





And this girl just LOVED passing out candy. She would say “Only two! You don’t want to get a tummy ache!”


She sat in her chair to wait for the next trick-or-treater, practically pouncing on them once they knocked on the door.

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Watching Gwyn sift through her basket of candy with huge, delightful eyes as she tried to process just how much candy she had just accumulated brought back good memories. I remember running my hands through the bright colored wrappers in awe, as if each piece of candy was worth a piece of gold. And I think she was thinking the same thing. And Cal, the sucker hoarder, was just as happy as can be with blue lips and sticky hands as he ran through the house in delight.

These moments are my new pieces of gold.

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