
Too tired to think…

July 1, 2013

(Composed late last night)

I am tired.

I sat down to write a post for tomorrow but  my mind is mush.

We just got home from being “on the road” traveling now for the past three weeks…and I just added it up and we were in the car with our two kids for over FIFTY hours.


That. is. insane.

That’s not including driving around town once we reached our destination. That’s solely from Destination A to Destination B. With our kids. Thirteen hours here, seven hours there and so forth until we made it back home.

Perhaps I will go into more detail later, but my little man was having a hard time settling down for bed tonight and I just finished laying in his crib with him, rubbing his back and letting him suck his thumb with my hair in his hands. The Hubby has been in and out of the kids’ rooms, too, and we are beat.

Time. for. bed.


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