
How many hours is that? What day is it? Who am I? We’re moving!?

July 15, 2013

It’s July!?!?

June absolutely flew by. So much has happened within a month that I can barely keep track of the days.

June began with Gwyn’s Minnie Mouse third birthday party at the park that first weekend.


Then, unexpectedly, The Hubby had an interview in Spokane, about an hour and a half from where we live, the next week. This was sudden, exciting, scary and sent us all on emotion-overload.

As a nice distraction, though, the second weekend of June we had an engagement party to attend in Seattle. The Hubby is the best man in the wedding, so it was important for us to be there. Gwyn and Cal’s Uncles excitedly agreed to watch the kiddos for us while we attended, but that also meant first driving the fam to Portland, a nice seven hours, and from there another three-and-a-half to Seattle. The engagement party was lovely and we had a great time, but the next day we hit the road back to Portland to pick up the kiddos and then headed home, a total of about twenty-one hours round-trip.


We knew the chances of this job were promising, so we needed to act quickly in preparing for a potential move. So while The Hubby worked, I did my best to clean and take pictures of our house to post for rent on Craigslist that Monday. We figured the house might stay clean if we were able to show it while out of town.


Once complete, we left for  Reno on Thursday to visit my parents and for The Hubby to take care of some things with the business that he and his partner own. This wasn’t an entirely relaxing trip for any of us, though. It started with a thirteen hour drive to Reno with the kids, included constant searching for a house to rent and a preschool for Gwyn to attend in Spokane and organizing potential renters to view our home. The Hubby was also working nonstop for the business. We did get to see a few friends, got in some good grandparent/great grandparent time and had fun with the kids during the day, though.  After exactly two weeks, the trip concluded on a Thursday with another thirteen hour drive home. When we got home that night at 10:30 pm,  we unloaded the truck and re-packed for the weekend.

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On Friday, we had a few appointments in Spokane to view potential houses to rent and preschools that Gwyn could attend. While we were lucky to find a preschool we fell in love with, we didn’t find a house. On Saturday and Sunday, The Hubby played in Hoopfest with his younger brother and cousins, which is the largest three-on-three basketball tournament in the world. It was insanely crowded, one day was pouring rain, and the next 100*, but The Hubby and his team won their division, so it made it all worthwhile. Plus, all the cousins came out and the kids had an awesome time playing together. On Sunday night we drove the 1.5 hours back home only to find another house online that we wanted to view as a possible future home.

Photo: Sweetness!   

So…. Monday we drove back up to Spokane to view the home and turned around and drove right back when we were done.

Suddenly it was then July, and on Tuesday, July 2nd, we showed our home to three potential renters, each time scurrying to get it picked up.  I showed it while The Hubby took the kids out, and for all those potential renters knew, the house was always spic and span. (SO not true!) That evening, we packed up for the coast where we were going to spend the fourth with the extended family. Nine hours later and we were there Wednesday evening. We had a wonderful time! A memorable trip, for certain.

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Another nine hours and we made it back home on Saturday, ready to collapse.

So,  how many hours is that in the car with the kids traveling? Not including travel around the towns once we arrived, just straight Point A to Point B travel?

That would be seventy-one hours in the car in the last thirty days.

Some might call that insanity.

And while I partially agree, our family and friends mean a lot to us, so we just made it work. Sure, there were meltdowns along the way, but for the most part, as long as the kids were fed and had some form of entertainment, they were happy.

I’d like to think we are staying put for the rest of summer, but that’s just not the case.

This past weekend I went  to Portland to help put on a baby shower for my sister-in-law, leaving on Thursday and returning on Sunday evening (post coming soon!). The Hubby was in charge of the kiddos and while he is completely worn out, it seems as though they had a great time having some cousin fun.

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So, now the big daunting task that is dangling above my head is packing up to move…

Uhhhhh when are we supposed to do that!?

This I am not sure of yet. The Hubby will be out of town for eight days pretty soon and we are supposed to move into our new home in Spokane August 1st.

I’ll keep ya tuned in how that all pans out!

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