
A Birthday Interview With a Three-Year-Old

May 14, 2013

I would like to try and interview our kiddos on their birthdays each year to see how their answers change as they grow.  Below is Gwyn’s interview at three years old:


What is your full name? Gwyneth Marie Morscheck

Who is in your family? Calvin. Mama. Daddy. And ME!

How old are you now? Three!!! Like this! (Shows fingers)

What is your favorite color? Pink.

What is your favorite animal? Pigs.

Who is your favorite person in the whole world? Mommy. (aww!)

The Hubby- “Daddy too!?”

Gwyn:  “No, just Mama……..Alright….Daddy too….”

Who are your best friends? Brooklyn. (True) And Ashley (Who!?)

What is your favorite food? Peas. Carrots. And pears.

What is your favorite snack? Crackers and cheese

Favorite treat? Chocolate and vanilla.

What is your favorite book? The animal book.

What foods are yucky? Poop. Peal of the banana.

What is your favorite thing to play with? Legos.

What is your favorite song? ABC’s.

What do you like to do outside? Put shoes on. Put coat on. Gardening.

Where does Daddy go everyday? Work!

What does he do at work? Grown-up! ………………Teacher!

What does Mommy do every day? Go to work with Dad…..Noooo! Go to Spokane! (Hmm, okay!!)

What do you want to be when you grow up? Um. Be a Mommy! I want to be just like you!

Me-“Did you just hear that!?!?”- I yell across the room with a smile from ear-to-ear

The Hubby: “She doesn’t like me.”

If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go? To preschool!

What is your favorite TV show? Dora

What is your favorite movie? Dora. Snow White and Bell and Jasmine.

Favorite game? Hide and Seek

What makes you happiest? Mommy and Daddy and Calvin. (Melt)

What makes you sad? Calvin hit me. That’s why I be sad.

What are you scared of? Scared of monsters.

What is your favorite thing to do with Calvin: Blocks. He pushes them.


I ask the Hubby if he has any more questions…

What is your favorite thing about Daddy-Go to work

What is Daddy really good at? Doing work.

What is Mommy really good at? -At Playing

What is your favorite thing to do with Daddy?-Dress-up.


I chuckled during all of this while The Hubby pried satisfactory answers out of Gwyn. She really loves golfing with her Daddy, snuggling with him before bed and playing with the dogs together.

I suggest trying this with your kiddos, or any kids in your life for that matter. Their answers are so funny… and heart-warming!

Happy Tuesday!



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