
Succulent Pan-Seared Scallops

March 12, 2013

For Valentines Day I had planned a special meal for The Hubby and I of one of our favorite foods, scallops. We had THE BEST scallops ever in Portland for New Years at The Nines hotel a couple years ago and I had forgotten how good those were until I recently ordered scallops at a restaurant and wasn’t pleased with what came out. They were chewy and had zero flavor.

So, I scoured the net for a recipe that looked pleasing to the eye and landed on this one.

It seemed easy, didn’t require any crazy ingredients and was fairly inexpensive, too!

We didn’t end up having this meal on Valentines Day as I had planned, though, as The Hubby whisked me away on a romantic getaway. So, I made this for him a week later.

And let me just tell you, this recipe is spot on. These were so incredibly delicious, The Hubby couldn’t stop raving about them. I will definitely be making these again.




Pan-seared Scallops 

4 large dry scallops ( I used a pack  of about 8 medium-sized scallops)

2 tbsp olive oil
1 1/2 tbsp butter
1/2 cup white wine

Pat the scallops dry with towel or paper towels. Sprinkle salt and pepper over the scallops (both sides). Heat olive oil in a frying pan (don’t use non-stick) over high heat. When oil is hot, place the scallops in the pan with at least one or two inches between them (so they don’t crowd and steam one another). After two minutes, the base should be browned nicely. Flip the scallops and cook for another minute or until base is browned. Remove from heat and set on serving dish(es). While still on high heat, drop a pat of butter into the pan. Move the pat around the pan until melted completely. Pour in the wine and use a whisk or spoon to scrape the fond from the pan and stir it into the liquid. Leave the heat on high and let the sauce boil until it reduces to desired consistency. Immediately remove from heat and serve with scallops.



AND, since there was leftover wine, we enjoyed a glass of that as well. 🙂

Did you really think I left out dessert? Heavens no.

A Valentines Day Love Trifle.


We felt like fat pigs after this one… but it was soooo good and easy to make, too. Recipe to come. 🙂

Happy Tuesday!


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