
TONIGHT!!! On the Season Premiere of The Bachelor…

January 7, 2013

Tonight is the much anticipated season premiere of “The Bachelor” featuring Sean Lowe.

Sean Lowe

You know, the Sean that is an insurance agent AND model from Texas with the good family values and the desire for babies. The Sean that has America swooning. The Sean that Emily Maynard dumped.


Emily. Oh…… Emily.

While I still have somewhat of a lady crush on her, I now think she is somewhat of an idiot.

She sent Sean home in her season of “The Bachelorette ” and decided to keep Jef With One F and Arie, ultimately accepting a proposal from Jef With One F.



You can read my opinion on these two here and see that clearly, I wasn’t gunning for either of these two hooligans.

Yep, I just said hooligans.

Now that obviously didn’t work out well for her and I do wonder if maaaaybe it’s not completely the guys’ fault for these relationships ending.

While I am sure there are things ABC didn’t show about Sean during Emily’s season that would make him less desireable, from what they did show he seemed to be “THE Catch,” if not solely for that amazingly awesome play house in his parents’ backyard that every young girl would just love.


I mean clearly she wasn’t thinking straight.

Oh wait. Now it’s coming back to me. He DID attack Emily’s face with this horrendous kiss which honestly might send any girl a-packing.

Let’s just hope he saw himself on camera and decided to fix that nightmare STAT or else he will be standing solo on that flowery pedestal in the end.

But, because she did send Sean home we now get to watch his love story unfold and only hope there is at least one decent gal in the bunch for that happy ending we all desire.

SIDENOTE: I did happen to notice that Emily follows Sean on Instagram, even liking the  photos of him holding adorable babies and just being all wholesome and whatnot, and he, in fact, does not follow Emily in return. Sorry, girl! Too late for that tail!

But let me be the first to say, after looking up this season’s cast and completely judging on pictures alone, none of these girls jumped out at me like Emily did when she made her first appearance on Brad Womack’s season of “The Bachelor.”

Once I saw her I knew she was “the one.”  And I just didn’t get that initial feeling this time around.

Here are the pics I was perusing yesterday from this site.

Amanda on the Bachelor 2013
She might just be one of my faves. Laid back, yet a  tad trendy without  trying too hard.
Keriann on the Bachelor 2013
  Maybe it’s a bad photo, or maybe she is just too squinty for me. I can’t see what is behind those eyes…
Ashley H. on the Bachelor 2013
Ohhhhhhhhh boy.
Ashley P. on the Bachelor 2013
Seems sweet. I could probably like her..
Ashlee on the Bachelor 2013
I think I may have another top contender here.  Conservative, stylish, cute.  But her eyes are sending mixed signals.
Daniella on the Bachelor 2013
Oooo, looking a little too competitive for me. She means war!
Sarah on the Bachelor 2013
Doesn’t quite look all there…
Desiree on the Bachelor 2013
Cute. I might just like her. Maybe a little young?
Lindsay on the Bachelor 2013
Looks pretty wholesome… could go pretty far…
Brooke on the Bachelor 2013
Yeah. This gal has a bit too much spunk  for this Bachelor…
Lesley on the Bachelor 2013
Helloooooooo Mom jeans.
Robyn on the Bachelor 2013
Seems fun and flirty. Could probably kick his ass…
Lacey on the Bachelor 2013
Ooo… looks like a bit of drama here…
Tierra on the Bachelor 2013
Pretty…. may go decently far…
Diana on the Bachelor 2013
Oh you’re just going to get trampled, you poor thing, you.
Lauren on the Bachelor 2013
A little too perky for my taste
Katie on the Bachelor 2013
Not sure when I became such a jeans expert… but…… no.
Kelly on the Bachelor 2013
And here’s the token sex appeal girl…
Kristy on the Bachelor 2013
BAH! The JEANS! And holy white teeth!
Jakie on the Bachelor 2013
Sassy and she knows it. Conflict queen.
Taryn on the Bachelor 2013
Mrs. Competitive.
Leslie on the Bachelor 2013
Lovin’ the style, seems nice..hate the
Catherine on the Bachelor 2013
I see her as the one who everyone gossips to..kind of like a little sister..
Selma on the Bachelor 2013
I see some sass in this one!

AND, I did read that there is a mystery girl coming on the show which has just got to be a girl from a previous season.

If it’s Emily I will just give up.

Sorry, I am still a fan of her, but she had her chance.

Alright, Sean. With all of the constant football on recently I NEED some good trash TV and I now look forward to Monday nights so that I can just mush on the couch in my spit-stained yoga pants and hoping these wacky ladies provide some decent humor.

So, what I guess I am saying is.. don’t disappoint!

Happy Monday!

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  1. Lindsay was a Tri Delt while I was in the house and she is such a sweet, fun girl. You will love her! Be Team Yenter… us Reno girls have to stick together!

  2. Pingback: umek

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