
The Christmas Rundown

December 27, 2012
Christmas has always been a favorite of mine. The decorations, the traditions and the overall lifted spirit that seems to engulf the town has me on cloud nine for pretty much the whole month of December.

Prepare yourselves, as this post kindof took a turn for the…. elongated?

The weeks building up to the big day were some of my favorite.

One of our advent activities was to bring cookies to the firemen and policemen. Our servicemen  LOVED seeing our little ones at their front door and made them feel pretty special by giving them a tour of their station complete with their own firehats, stickers and answering their never-ending questions.

Another one of my favotites was going to see “The Train Lights” in  town nearby. We started with dinner at Gwyn’s favorite restaurant decked out in off-the-wall trinkets. collectables and her favorite-a train that circles the restaurant.

After was the best part…

She thought it was magical. And I loved seeing all of this beauty through her eyes.

Another favorite was opening a new Christmas CD and dancing away the afternoon.

Making our own snow globes turned out to be harder than we anticipated…
But some of them turned out pretty cute.

Making sugar cookies for Santa was a joy for us all, as Gwyn loved cutting out the shapes and sneaking some dough along the way, too. And the rest of us just liked to eat them.

Building a mini snowman
And then on Christmas Eve, after church, we came home and the kiddos opened their new Christmas jammies.
Gwyn then gave The Hubby and I a present she made for each of us.

And before bed we set out the cookies, milk and carrots. And of course, Gwyn tried to sneak a bite.

Christmas morning came and we made sure to fulfill Gwyn’s Christmas wish of pancakes…

And the rest of the day was filled with opening gifts, playing with toys, devouring delicious food and playing lots of games.

I am a little sad that it has all come to an end, but am so glad that many memories were made and that we all had a wonderful Christmas.

Until next year!

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