
On Seeing Santa

December 24, 2012
Gwyn has seen quite a bit of Santa this year and she is finally not scared of the guy.
He came to her preschool, and while a little shy, she DID sit on his lap, which I was very surprised she did.

She told Santa she wanted a princess dolly.

And then, while having a little Christmas with my in-laws, Santa came to our house!!

She was a bit more excited about the fact that he actually came to OUR house.

A hug!

Cal, on the other hand, is terrified of the guy!

Gwyn started showing Santa the new toys she and her brother received..

And she sat on his lap..

Before Santa gave Gwyn the biggest teddy bear she’s ever seen.

And to thank him, she gave him her baby kitty.

Then, on one of our first outings while visiting my parents we spotted Santa, and he had a fabulous setup. Elves, sleighs, snow. The whole deal. And Gwyn was excited to see him…until it was her turn. Then it was straight-face McGee.

I just LOVE this time of year and the fact that she is starting to warm up to Santa and enjoy the Christmas cheer.

Do you have any traditions you do on Christmas Eve? We will be going to church before coming home to a nice family meal. Then our kiddos will open their new Christmas jammies and set out cookies and milk for Santa and some food for the reindeer before bed.

Merry Christmas Eve!

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