
Beyond Thankful…. Forever.

November 21, 2012

Each morning as I nurse Baby Cal I scroll through a few of my favorite blogs, Pinterst, Instagram and of course, Facebook and I, as of recently, read what everyone is thankful for as Thanksgiving approaches. Reading these daily posts get me thinking about what I am most thankful for.

And as of lately, the one thought that consumes my mind is my family.

My family. My immediate family, my extended family, my own little family. We are all now one.

My family is incredible. In so many ways. But some things have happened in the last week that really set a good example of what family does when in need.

A member of our family recently went to the hospital, as she stopped breathing during the middle of the night. While she is still having complications, she is now breathing on her own and can communicate once again.

Members of our family completely dropped everything to be by her side. And they continue to be by her side the entire time. Constantly checking in with doctors to ensure proper care. Talking through the silence to ensure presence. Holding hands to ensure comfort.

And other members  thenoffered to take on Thanksgiving dinner so that those people could continue to be by her side.

And while all of this is happening, the reality of how precious life is has been weighing heavy on my heart.

I look at my babies and have to stop myself from crying. They have so much life to live and I want to be there for every waking moment of it. And the thought of missing out on any of it is almost too much.

I want to smush my face in their baby squish forever.

I want to smell their freshly washed baby skin and feel their spit kisses hardening on the side of my face, forever. I don’t care, LICK my face, babies!

I want to peel Gwyneth off of Calvin because she is hugging him too hard, forever. Sure, he may cry, but it’s love.

I want to wipe snot, slobber, dried milk, and crusty whatever off of my clothes at the end of the day, forever.

I want my kids’ faces to light up with joy when they see me, forever. And to feel their bodies slam into my chest when greeted, forever.

I want to watch my babies experience their “firsts” forever. First giggle, first steps, first loose tooth, first hair cut, first art project, first grade, first crush, first crisis, first great achievement, first love, first house, first…. everything. I want to be there for everything! And I want them to want me there.

I want to be a mom….. forever.

But that isn’t possible. Because that is just what happens and I can only hope and pray that our family continues to be there for one another and is, one day, by my side too when in need.

We spend our days taking care of our babies and at one point the tables turn.


I love my family.

I am thankful most, for my family.

I hope you are all able to spend some time with your own families in the next few days. The Hubby, kids and I are off to spend some time with ours for the weekend. 🙂

Beyond thankful.

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