No Cleanup Marshmallow Painting

August 27, 2012
Gwyn loves to paint. What toddler doesn’t? The only snafu is that it can be a little messy. That, and cleaning paint bowls and brushes isn’t the funnest thing to do. And then you also have the water cup that needs to be refilled due to dirty paint water or because your toddler spilled it. So, yeah.. messy!
Well, problems solved! Marshmallow painting! It’s easy to set up, FUN and you just throw it all away when finished! Besides the masterpieces, of course.
What you will need: 
Egg carton
Washable paint
Large marshmallows (Hint- Open the bag a few days before to harden the mallows a bit; makes them not as squishy!)
Paper or something to paint on
Cut your egg carton to fulfill the number of desired colors and fill with paint.

And if a friend is coming over, make two!

Prep toddler for painting. Excitement will surely ensue.

Place one mallow in each color

And let the toddler at it!

Proud artist.

And when the paint starts to run out, you want new colors, or the mallows get a little too messy/squished… THROW THEM OUT and start fresh! NO CLEANING! HOORAY!

Warning! Watch toddlers closely when painting and do not allow them to eat the marshmallows with paint on them. While we didn’t encounter any issues, we did warn the kiddos beforehand not to eat them!

They obliged. Though tempting, I’m sure!

Have fun and happy (no clean-up) painting!

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