
Spice Up Your Life!- In An Organized Manner.

April 17, 2012
I am all about trying to better organize my life these days.
One thing I am always doing is hunting for spices in my cabinet while I am trying to cook. Sure, they all come labeled, but I just can’t see those labels with so many spices when they’re all stored together.

Something needed to be done.

So, I busted out my label maker, which I received in my stocking for Christmas a few years ago and LOVE….

You can get these from Walmart for pretty cheap.

And after about an hour…. VOILA!

Now each spice can be seen and read with ease!

Although a bit time consuming, the spices are now alphabetized as well to find them even faster!

I also believe I will save money since I know exactly what spices I do and do not have and won’t be buying duplicates, which I tend to do often.
Hope this helps you to save some time and money in your own life too! So get to it! Spice up your life!

House of Rose

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