
Off to Seattle!

March 9, 2012

The Hubbs and I are off to Seattle for the weekend. That’s about a 5.5 hour drive for us… And less than 2.5 weeks until my due date…Don’t tell my doctor!!

I am actually the one who planned this weekend getaway. For Christmas, I got The Hubby and I tickets to see Adam Carolla at the Moore Theater.

Adam Carolla is like a family member. Maybe an Uncle. I feel like I have just come to “know” him so well. His podcast is played almost every morning and can be heard throughout most rooms in the house, old Love Line recordings are listened to almost every night, and we now watch The Apprentice on Sunday nights because you’ll never guess who is on the show….

So, naturally the perfect Christmas gift for my hubby was a weekend away to see the “Aceman” himself.

I am actually really looking forward to the weekend away, as I am considering it our “Babymoon” before the little man arrives. I am imagining doing a little shopping, wining and dining, cupcake shop cruising, and just spending some wonderful time with my man.

While I previously mentioned that I am hoping my water breaks naturally, I would REALLY like for it to break naturally AFTER this weekend.

But, there is no predicting when the little man is going to arrive, so watch your Manolo Blahniks and Jimmy Choos, ladies! This Mama is a loaded gun!

If you have any favorite spots/restaurants/stores in the Seattle area, let me know! We are up for anything! Toodaloo!

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