
Bonding over Ben

February 1, 2012

Television used to be a hot topic in our household. Before we moved to Washington we had a TV in our bedroom,  as the hubby enjoyed watching it before bed, and even liked to fall asleep to it. I, on the other hand, can NOT sleep with the TV on at all. The bright picture, the noise, I just can’t do it. Hubby didn’t understand the picture complaint, for if my eyes are shut then there should be no problem. WRONG. You can still see through your eyelids! I know that sounds crazy, but close your eyes in a well-lit room and close your eyes in a dark room; huge difference. Or maybe I just have thin eyelids. Regardless, the bright lights coming from the TV while I am trying to sleep do not work with this girl. “Get one of those beauty rest eye- cover things” you say? No. You can still see through the slits. I have tried.

The boob tube bothered me so much that for my birthday that year, my only request was for the TV to be taken out of our bedroom. On the day of my birth, the hubby carried that evil demon out of our room and I cried tears of joy. Best birthday gift… EVER.

Is it ironic that I got the hubbs a new TV for the living room for his birthday a couple of years ago? Think girl, think!

About four years later and we still don’t watch TV in our room, but we do like to watch a few shows together that are “our shows” in the living room. One of these shows is The Bachelor, starring Ben The BachelorSomethingOrOther, who was dumped while proposing last season. I know my hubby is not the only husband out there who watches this program with his wife, so before you go blowing up his FB or phone, please reconsider, as this is a time I look forward to with him and I don’t want anything to ruin it. Kapish?

So, the Hubby and I snuggled in and watched The Bachelor this past Monday and during this time I was reminded of how much my hubbs is not only my love and partner, but he is truly one of my best friends. As we watched this episode I felt as if I were watching it with one of my closest gal pals. (Do NOT repeat this!)
Some of my favorite quotes of his from the past episode are:

“She’s wearing a drape? That’s a drape. Could even be bed linens. Why would you wear that?”
In a sing-song voice: “And another one bites the dust.”
“Not getting any ‘bungalo time’ with that one now, are ya, Ben?”

Smile. 🙂

We both aren’t on our phones or computers when this show is on and are actively watching and talking about how insane the girls are behaving, how all of their mouths are always purple from consuming so much wine, or how ridiculously awesome all of the dates they go on are.

While I despise the television for keeping me awake or for airing an infinite amount of football games every year, I cherish the times when we can both enjoy the same show and bond during the process.

Happy Wednesday! 🙂

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