
Our 5th Anniversary Canadian Getaway

August 1, 2014

The Hubby and I celebrated our 5th anniversary  a week ago and decided Canada would be the best place to do so. I had never been, it was close enough to make it doable for just a few nights and the city of Victoria was apparently beautiful and a “must see,” so we went for it and I am SO glad we did!

We left our car in Seattle and hopped on a ferry with just a suitcase, our scooters and our  favorite board game. IMG_7253


And three hours later landed in Victoria! Starving, we took the recommendation of a nice fellow and grabbed a delicious lunch. Seriously some of the best tacos I’ve ever had.

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We then scooted all around the city exploring and stopping to watch various street shows. You know, like men in tutus. IMG_7259   IMG_7268   I’ll admit we totally indulged during this trip. We stopped here for a treat BEFORE going to get dessert at a restaurant. No wonder my pants are a little tighter now…


IMG_7291 IMG_7287 IMG_7294 But because we were scooting everywhere, we figured it somewhat evened out. And it was worth every calorie, too.     securedownload (6)   The next day we did the one activity I couldn’t wait to do, and that was to have Afternoon Tea at the Fairmount Empress Hotel. It was quite the production and I loved every second of it. From the little crustless sandwiches, to the homemade scones and tea to the assortment of desserts. And you’d better believe we ate every last morsel. securedownload (7) We then did a little window shopping, primarily looking for a little trinket for the kids and a thank-you to our babysitters, and I found my new favorite sweater. It can be worn three ways and it is sooooo comfortable.  WIN!

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Having scooters on the island was brilliant. Truly. If you ever go, I will highly recommend taking them. I know you’re wondering, “How did you end up having scooters in the first place?!” Well, it all started with our kids. They have scooters and to play with them, The Hubby bought a standard razor to scoot around alongside. It was fine, but it was clearly too small, so for our anniversary I got him a man scooter. Bigger wheels, bigger foot area and taller handlebars. The man was in heaven. And, I got the old one. So it all worked out. We felt like celebrities in that city with people “Ooooing” and “awwwing” as we sped by. The only downer was when I ate it. In the middle of the street. With an elderly couple trying to help me up.

Little embarrassing. Other than that, so fun!

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With six minutes to make it from one end of the city to the other to catch our bus to Buchart Gardens, we hauled buns and actually made it. A little sweaty, yes, but those things saved us.

Buchart Gardens is an absolute must-see (thanks for all the recommendations!) and was absolutely beautiful. We enjoyed an incredible dinner there and a lovely stroll/scoot.

IMG_7341   securedownload (5)  After we got back we grabbed a big cookie from the local bakery and called it a night.

The next day we grabbed a feast-of-a-breakfast and then caught the ferry for home.



I know it isn’t always easy with kids, but these childless trips to celebrate each other truly mean a lot and keep us rejuvenated. Until next year!

Thanks for stopping by!

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