
The Veteran Mom

Having young kids, I’ve always looked up to those who are a step or two ahead of me in parenthood. I feel comforted (or terrified) knowing what stages are next for our kids; I guess I’m a planner. In the infancy stage, I eagerly watched friends’ older babies eat solids, walk, and begin to talk and […]

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I Have No Idea How You Do it With Three

A mom friend recently confided in me about her struggles in becoming a new mom. We talked about how the time for herself has diminished and how the constant care for her new baby is exhausting. And then she went on to comment, “I have no idea how you do it with three.” And right […]

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We All Have a Story

Have you ever looked at someone from the outside and thought about how it seems they’ve got it all? I’ve caught myself doing that on occasion. Pondering thoughts about how their children appear to be angels. How their marriages look flawless. How their upbringing must have been unforgettable. How they must eat healthy, home-cooked meals nightly. […]

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