DIY Fruit Stand/ Cupcake Stand/ WhateverYouWant Stand

I was finally tired of having bananas and oranges sitting on my counter top and other fruits taking up space in the fridge, so I set out to find a fruit bowl. Living in a small town, I couldn’t find one that I liked. Then, at Farm Chicks last year, a friend and I saw this galvanized three-tier […]

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Halloween Costumes and My Babes= Mommy Heaven

For Halloween this year I wanted the kids’ costumes to coordinate since I really don’t think I have many years that I can get away with such a thing. So what seemed JUST PERFECT for our little family??? Goldilocks and the Three Bears! Her best “cheeeeeeeeese” face. “You take pictures of me, I take pictures […]

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Baby Cal Turns 7… Months!

Yesterday Baby Cal turned 7 months. And I’ve got to admit, he keeps getting better and better. Not that he wasn’t great before… well, there were definite moments of not-so-greatness, but he is just really becoming  a little dude. A sweet, independent, inquisitive little dude. Wearing size 9 and 12 month clothing. Size 9 month […]

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15 Ways to Annoy Your Husband

1.) Eat ALL of the cookies you made only a couple days earlier and embarrassingly shrug when he asks where they are. 2.) Heavily sigh over and over when stuck on a computer issue until helped. 3.) Put raw chicken scraps down the disposal, therefore clogging it. 4.) Forget where you put your phone as […]

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I Have Always Wanted to be a Mother…But..

 Being a parent is one of the greatest gifts I have ever been given. But it’s also one of the hardest gifts I have ever been given. I was one of those girls who grew up dreaming about having a family of my own one day. Grew up dreaming about how many children my husband […]

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Lifelong Worrier

I’ve been told I worry too much. But as a Mom, aren’t I supposed to worry? How can I not worry? Each stage of life brings on new worries and I think the worrying will never stop. Ever. In fact, I think that once you become a mom, you become a lifelong worrier. While pregnant, […]

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First (non-family) Babysitting Experience

Last night was the first time I actually hired a babysitter, and while I was anxious and relieved to get out of the house sans children, I was nervous, too. Nervous that I was potentially leaving this poor, sweet girl with two screeching wildabeasts. Nervous that once my car door slammed upon return she’d be […]

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Key Lime Pie- Oprah Approved!

So after my total failure at the fair, I was hesitant to make this pie. But, I decided to plunge ahead and just  “go for it.”  Plus, the original recipe was found on, and if Oprah approves, then it must be good. Right? I’m not much of a pie person, but one of my best pals […]

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Shaving Cream Painting -Toddler/Young Child Activity

What started out as a fun, yet controlled outdoor activity turned into a little bit of mayhem rather quickly. A little shaving cream with food coloring outside in the water table seemed like a great idea.. It was squishy and totally fun to feel And exciting to paint on the concrete. But squirting the shaving […]

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