I was finally tired of having bananas and oranges sitting on my counter top and other fruits taking up space in the fridge, so I set out to find a fruit bowl. Living in a small town, I couldn’t find one that I liked. Then, at Farm Chicks last year, a friend and I saw this galvanized three-tier […]
For Halloween this year I wanted the kids’ costumes to coordinate since I really don’t think I have many years that I can get away with such a thing. So what seemed JUST PERFECT for our little family??? Goldilocks and the Three Bears! Her best “cheeeeeeeeese” face. “You take pictures of me, I take pictures […]
Yesterday Baby Cal turned 7 months. And I’ve got to admit, he keeps getting better and better. Not that he wasn’t great before… well, there were definite moments of not-so-greatness, but he is just really becoming a little dude. A sweet, independent, inquisitive little dude. Wearing size 9 and 12 month clothing. Size 9 month […]
This past summer I found out one of my good friends is pregnant. The news brought tears to my eyes and an obnoxious “AHHHHHHHH! OMG OMG OMG!!!” from my mouth. It was no shock to anyone around me that I was excited by the news. What was even more exciting was being able to take […]
1.) Eat ALL of the cookies you made only a couple days earlier and embarrassingly shrug when he asks where they are. 2.) Heavily sigh over and over when stuck on a computer issue until helped. 3.) Put raw chicken scraps down the disposal, therefore clogging it. 4.) Forget where you put your phone as […]
Being a parent is one of the greatest gifts I have ever been given. But it’s also one of the hardest gifts I have ever been given. I was one of those girls who grew up dreaming about having a family of my own one day. Grew up dreaming about how many children my husband […]
I’ve been told I worry too much. But as a Mom, aren’t I supposed to worry? How can I not worry? Each stage of life brings on new worries and I think the worrying will never stop. Ever. In fact, I think that once you become a mom, you become a lifelong worrier. While pregnant, […]
Last night was the first time I actually hired a babysitter, and while I was anxious and relieved to get out of the house sans children, I was nervous, too. Nervous that I was potentially leaving this poor, sweet girl with two screeching wildabeasts. Nervous that once my car door slammed upon return she’d be […]
So after my total failure at the fair, I was hesitant to make this pie. But, I decided to plunge ahead and just “go for it.” Plus, the original recipe was found on Oprah.com, and if Oprah approves, then it must be good. Right? I’m not much of a pie person, but one of my best pals […]
What started out as a fun, yet controlled outdoor activity turned into a little bit of mayhem rather quickly. A little shaving cream with food coloring outside in the water table seemed like a great idea.. It was squishy and totally fun to feel And exciting to paint on the concrete. But squirting the shaving […]