
Baby Cal Turns 7… Months!

October 30, 2012

Yesterday Baby Cal turned 7 months. And I’ve got to admit, he keeps getting better and better. Not that he wasn’t great before… well, there were definite moments of not-so-greatness, but he is just really becoming  a little dude. A sweet, independent, inquisitive little dude.

Wearing size 9 and 12 month clothing. Size 9 month jammies are getting a little snug, though. 🙂 And actually, a few 12 month onesies are just barely fitting too.

What’s he doing? Crawling all over the place; into bedrooms, under tables, into corners, etc. Pulling himself up onto some semi-low objects.

Loves to chew on just about anything, and will dart for cell phones, computers or anything electronic.

Sleeps from 7:15 pm-7:30 am with naps from 9-10:30ish am and 1-2:30ish pm.

Loves to pull people’s hair and gnaw on faces.

Nicknames: Cal, Callie, Calvie, Baby Cal, Cal Cal, but mostly Cal.

Loves taking baths, slamming his arms on his highchair tray and playing with anything that is his sister’s.

First sound, other than screaming and yelling, “Ma ma ma!” SCORE!!! Gwyn’s first was “da da” so this Mama is feeling pretty special.

He will pretty much eat any fruit or veggie, though I haven’t tried peas in a while, his prior nemesis.

His eyes are still very blue, his hair a light brown/blonde with a hint of red (or maybe that’s just his scalp, ha) and he’s just as pale as his Mommy and Daddy.

He is a total Mama’s boy and can be calmed down when passed to Mommy pretty easily.

And the infamous screech that says, “I’m done, Mom!”

Love you, Calvin John!

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