
Hump Day Highlights #2

March 18, 2015

Happy Hump Day! We are excited to to bring you another


Each Wednesday we will share some things from the past week that we are loving, can’t live without, or are things we are just plain obsessed with – and we will even add links (when applicable) so you can check out or scoop up anything you love, too.


Your weekly hosts are  MistyAprilKyraShannon (that’s me!) , Amanda, Danica, Candice, and Kaitlyn. We would love for you to add your post to our link up of the things you are loving this week, too! And please spread the love by following the other blogs in the link up/commenting on their posts. This is such a great way to meet like-minded mamas and make new friends, all while showing off your blog as well. The Hump Day Highlights weekly link up is going to be a blast, I hope you link up and follow along!

This week, it’s Spring home decor.

And I am totally into all things green for the season this year.Especially anything in moss, so I made these moss wreaths and think they give just the right about of pop in this space.


And continuing with the fresh, green look I wanted our mantle to be just that, too. Simple and fresh!



Cotton. I LOVE COTTON! And after scouring the internet for a decently priced cotton wreath and coming up empty-handed, I decided to make one for myself. And it was EASY! Tutorial coming soon!


A few months ago we decided this little wall space in-between our garage and kitchen would be perfect for an M gallery wall and I’ve been piecing it together ever since.



And I realize it’s not Spring decor, but this week I found this super fun round galvanized M from a little boutique that I can’t wait to put up.

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What have you been loving the past week? Share it with us! Grab our graphic for your own post and link up your blog below. And don’t forget to spread the love – comment on and follow some of the other ladies in the link up! #humpdayhighlights


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  1. your home is just the cheeriest! great job on the wreaths, i may have to steal the idea!!! thanks for the inspiration 🙂

  2. Love all of your favorites this week! Can’t wait to see the tutorial on your cotton wreath – love that! Have a great week xoxo
    Kaitlyn @ The Birds Nest

  3. Thanks for letting me partake in the link-up 🙂

    I’m LOVING the pops of green on the white. Very clean and appealing to the eye.


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