Comments on: Baby Cal Turns 3! Sun, 09 Dec 2018 00:27:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lady Fri, 24 Apr 2015 02:12:16 +0000 In reply to Gracielle.

Thank you so much, Gracielle! I am RIGHT there with you! Stop growing, babies!

By: Lady Fri, 24 Apr 2015 02:10:51 +0000 In reply to Christina.

Awwww this makes me so sad! The days are long but the years are short! Stop growing, babies!!!

By: Christina Tue, 07 Apr 2015 22:44:59 +0000 It amazes me how fast they grow. My daughter Micheala is going to be 11 and is only 6 inches shorter than me, she already wears the same size shoe as me and as I look at her pictures, like you said the “baby” in her is going away a little more everyday. Its so bittersweet, they grow up and develop personalities and they also need you less and less… 🙁
I will have a 7 year old, an 8 year old step son and an 11 year old by the end of this year… it goes by so fast.

Happy Birthday Cal!

By: Lady Tue, 31 Mar 2015 20:25:46 +0000 In reply to Gracielle.

Yes! They just grow so quickly! 🙁

By: Gracielle Mon, 30 Mar 2015 02:16:28 +0000 Happy birthday to your little man! My son just turned 4 last week – I totally feel you about them growing too fast. I love birthdays, but a part of me grieves a bit about my babies not being babies anymore.
